Stormy Weather II

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  • BBMmk2
    Late Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 20908

    Not too bad at the moment. Had a few strong gusts but nothing more. I think my area will escape the storm.
    Don’t cry for me
    I go where music was born

    J S Bach 1685-1750


    • cloughie
      Full Member
      • Dec 2011
      • 22270

      Blowing furiously here.


      • DracoM
        • Mar 2007
        • 13027

        Now cloudless, strong N // NW wind and VERY cold.


        • greenilex
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 1626

          Very windy in town but shoppers not deterred...lots of spending in progress.


          • cloughie
            Full Member
            • Dec 2011
            • 22270

            Much calmer now and quite a pleasant day!


            • oddoneout
              Full Member
              • Nov 2015
              • 9526

              A spiteful morning - very cold high winds, sprinkled with sharp showers. Much tree debris scattered about. It has quietened down through the afternoon, but apparently is due to wind itself up again through tomorrow.


              • BBMmk2
                Late Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 20908

                Turned out to be a good day yesterday. Fresh and bright.

                Today though the Met Office says heavy rain later! I think we’ve had enough of that this year!
                Don’t cry for me
                I go where music was born

                J S Bach 1685-1750


                • cloughie
                  Full Member
                  • Dec 2011
                  • 22270

                  Originally posted by BBMmk2 View Post
                  Turned out to be a good day yesterday. Fresh and bright.

                  Today though the Met Office says heavy rain later! I think we’ve had enough of that this year!
                  I guess it is on its way - wet and windy here and looks like in for the day or even longer.


                  • DracoM
                    • Mar 2007
                    • 13027

                    Wild, wild stuff up here - powerful westerly, hods of rain in it, one of those days when everything seems to be composed of water of varying densities, all driven by w gale that's out to get us!

                    And now - 4.30 p.m. - much wilder, and rain like we rarely see even up here - thick, non-stop, roaring, and drenching. Shops in the town have taken almost nothing all day - that's how bad it is, and we are resolute, weather-wise Cumbrians!!
                    Last edited by DracoM; 10-12-19, 16:58.


                    • BBMmk2
                      Late Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 20908

                      Originally posted by cloughie View Post
                      I guess it is on its way - wet and windy here and looks like in for the day or even longer.
                      We certainly had it Clougie! My goodness the wind was really wild! Must’ve been at least 70mph!
                      Don’t cry for me
                      I go where music was born

                      J S Bach 1685-1750


                      • Serial_Apologist
                        Full Member
                        • Dec 2010
                        • 38184

                        Some nice cumulonimbus clouds showing up well to the south today - the usual thing in winter when still warm sea surfaces encourage showers to form there, moving into western and northern coasts, and sometimes as far north as the Thames when south westerlies give strong enough propulsion to drive them through before they fizzle out. Ground surface temperatures normally have to be 8C and above for ground-up convection to succeed on its own - which is why when we get to about March we suddenly start seeing home-grown showers, with thunderstorms mixed in, being propagated inland. Funnily enough this is roughly teh temperature at which most temperate climate plants are able to grow. The only way convection can happen below this temperature is with forcing other than surface warmth, ie orographic factors such as cliffs and hills/mountains, cold frontal uplift, or short-wave convergence troughs within otherwise homogeneous airmasses, temperature-wise.

                        Today is a good example of the last of these.


                        • DracoM
                          • Mar 2007
                          • 13027

                          Sleet mixed with freezing rain, tiny sun, golden-bellied clouds, then darkness. Temp v.low c3C max.


                          • oddoneout
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2015
                            • 9526

                            Yesterday lived up to its beginning of a contusion style sunrise - all black bruise threaded with red and pink - but today has been pretty good. There was a frost first thing but as the sun got up that went pretty quickly and the raw cold feeling eased off. A good morning's work achieved by the volunteer gardeners - judicious selection of areas to work, in the sun and out of the breeze, avoided discomfort and resident robins were only too happy to keep us company in person and in song.
                            Tomorrow doesn't inspire - a choice of spending time scraping ice off the car first thing or going later and having to negotiate wind and heavy rain in order to depress myself at the polling station. As for many voters it isn't the usual one, and is too far to walk even if the weather obliged.


                            • Serial_Apologist
                              Full Member
                              • Dec 2010
                              • 38184

                              Originally posted by DracoM View Post
                              Sleet mixed with freezing rain, tiny sun, golden-bellied clouds, then darkness. Temp v.low c3C max.
                              Yes, here too, there was some iciness in the rain in the shower I got caught in on the way back from the post office depot.

                              A note was on my doormat yesterday informing me of the non-delivery of a parcel. I went up on the bike to collect it, but on the way spotted a rather strange lady with very pale grey eyes who haunts the shopping centre regularly, always in the same long black dress. Her mother had died last Thursday, and she was just back from the funeral, so I stopped off so she could tell me about what had happened in an everyday event sort of way! Rain began falling as we were in conversation. I made my way to the PO depot to pick up the package, which turned out too large to fit into my back pack; so I ended up having to walk the mile home with the parcel under one arm, pushing the bike with the other, in the pouring rain!


                              • Serial_Apologist
                                Full Member
                                • Dec 2010
                                • 38184

                                Originally posted by oddoneout View Post
                                Yesterday lived up to its beginning of a contusion style sunrise - all black bruise threaded with red and pink - but today has been pretty good. There was a frost first thing but as the sun got up that went pretty quickly and the raw cold feeling eased off. A good morning's work achieved by the volunteer gardeners - judicious selection of areas to work, in the sun and out of the breeze, avoided discomfort and resident robins were only too happy to keep us company in person and in song.
                                Tomorrow doesn't inspire - a choice of spending time scraping ice off the car first thing or going later and having to negotiate wind and heavy rain in order to depress myself at the polling station. As for many voters it isn't the usual one, and is too far to walk even if the weather obliged.
                                Yes it's always salutary when the robins sing in the depths of winter - they're the only bird to emit sounds at this time, apart from the occasional blackbird letting off an alarm signal, and the now ubiquitous squeaking parakeets. I'm wondering to what extent tomorrow;s expected very wet and windy weather will affect the election turnout.

