Celtic Connections

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  • Globaltruth
    • Nov 2010
    • 4325

    Celtic Connections

    It always surprises me that there isn't more info posted here about Celtic Connections.

    Here's a link to the BBC shows on TV & Radio (4 of which are even on r3 of course, as MAK is a key mover and shaker in all this)

    I've found out today that the Blind Boys of Alabama are on up there tomorrow, plus Taraf de Haïdouks and Mama Rosin Wish I was going...One year I'm going to make it.

    (JC - you'll have to tell me how to behave whilst in Glasgy, apparently they only sell Irish whiskey - is that correct?)
    Last edited by Globaltruth; 22-01-11, 09:48.
  • johncorrigan
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 10506

    I really fancied that concert of everything that's on, but tonight weren't the night - it's well covered up here, the Celtic Connections - somehow I always find myself a bit skint at this time of the year - can't think why.

    Don't worry about the whisky, Global - there's plenty to go round - they hand it out free from ATMs while you're waiting for the queue to go down. I'd also recommend that you stand on street corners and ask if there are any Scotch people around. Always guaranteed to get a healthy response.

    By the way, last night's Transatlantic Sessions on Beeb 4, old though it may be, is heartily recommended. If you've got half an hour handy you can see Karen Matheson doing the heartbreaking Crucan na Bpaiste, Paul Brady doing a rousing 'Rainbow', a great finishing track 'The Crossing' and Iris Dement - loads to enjoy.
    Paul Brady performs his song Rainbow with Eddi Reader and Karen Matheson.


    • Globaltruth
      • Nov 2010
      • 4325

      Originally posted by johncorrigan View Post

      Don't worry about the whisky, Global - there's plenty to go round - they hand it out free from ATMs while you're waiting for the queue to go down. I'd also recommend that you stand on street corners and ask if there are any Scotch people around. Always guaranteed to get a healthy response.

      In Glasgow once I asked in a very loud (and, of course, English) voice if they had any Irish whiskey (I was working a lot in Dublin at the time and had really got into Bushmills). In case you can't imagine what happened next, the barman leapt across the bar and attempted to grab me warmly by the throat. Luckily I was with a Glaswegian who apologised and made the right noises. I was introduced to the Depth-charge there...

      Anyway thanks for the tip I'll check it out. Celtic Connections is not covered at all well down here - shame.


      • Lateralthinking1

        Global, I am really pleased that you have started a thread on CC. I was thinking of doing so as it is a very exciting line-up and I would also like to go one year.

        I have always felt a connection with celtic music even though it isn't in the blood. Well, not the Scottish or Irish anyway. Very dark colouring for deep South London roots. I found out years after attending a lot of live gigs in Irish North London that my mother had been to many of the venues for ceilidhs/ceilis in the 1940s and 1950s. Bizarre. I understand that many of them were non-alcohol events. Even "bizarrer!" Anyway, given this strand of my musical taste, have to say that I only became aware of CC at all in the last few years and don't know its history, such has been the poor radio coverage in England. It was really only BBC4 and bits on You Tube that introduced me, along with forum contributors. Karen Matheson is terrific isn't she. Better than all the rest.

        I note the friendly battle with the "e" above. I think I got to grips with that one in the eighties with the Pogues. Perhaps it is better just to say malt which in my humble opinion is the best, not that I tend to drink it other on very special occasions. Seem now to have located the Fleadh line-ups in hard copy which Mel Ledgard had sent on to me from a kind contributor to the BBC boards. This has pleased me greatly so maybe this is the time for a wee dram. It all depends on what soup I am drinking this evening.

        I hope that we can have some discussions about this year's CC on the forum - Lat.
        Last edited by Guest; 22-01-11, 20:43.


        • PatrickOD

          Great stuff here. That Transatlantic Sessions was very good. I wish I had known, too, about Celtic Connections. I'm not yet a convinced throat music man, but I'm beginning to get my head round some aspects of World Music thanks to this board, not to mention a finer appreciation of the music of my own part of the world.
          On the whiskey issue, it might be wise when in Glasgow to remember that Bushmills is a Northern brand. Unambiguously Irish whiskey would be the likes of Paddy, Jameson or Power's.
          Carolan knew the Powers; how well he knew Fanny, or the family product, I can not say.

          James Galway & The Chieftains playing Fanny Power - Mabel Kelley - O'Carolan's Concerto. along with Images of Ireland.


          • Globaltruth
            • Nov 2010
            • 4325

            Just a quick reminder - the 4 nightly shows from CC are/have been on every night at 23.15 & there are 3 left

            Mary Ann Kennedy with music from Furnace Mountain, Rosanne Cash and Laura Cantrell.
            Last edited by Globaltruth; 26-01-11, 15:14.


            • Lateralthinking1

              Thanks Global, smashing.

              I must listen to Lopa's show too. Keep being diverted - a mixture of immense irritation, pleasurable escapism, and month four of sorting out the personal admin from the last quarter of a century - an almost never ending chore although I'm getting there. Never knew that it could all be so involved.

              Anyway, a wodge of soul from the last few hours to give it a bit of variety from the mix and match although I prefer the latter.

              Best regards, Lat.
              Last edited by Guest; 26-01-11, 09:19.


              • Paul Sherratt

                Some grand tunes on Lopa's show, Lat ! Mind you I haven't got to the end yet, either..


                • johncorrigan
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 10506

                  The beebs got a bunch of films of CC performers - you might fancy a look - there's some of the creole choir and Lau among others - and this fine bit of flamenco from Eduardo Niebla.


                  • johncorrigan
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 10506

                    There was plenty to enjoy on this show from BB2 Scotland last night, though I feel Ricky Ross is a poor stand-in for MAK. I really enjoyed Rachel Sermanni who did a rather excellent version of a Jackson 5 cover and even Tom Jones was in fine form - not sure I thought I'd hear myself say that.
                    Join Ricky Ross as he samples the best of Celtic Connections 2011. Tom Jones headlines.


                    • Pipisme

                      I listened to the four programmes from Celtic Connections on Radio 3 and mostly enjoyed the music, though I fell asleep during the programmes.


                      • Globaltruth
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 4325

                        Originally posted by Pipisme View Post
                        I listened to the four programmes from Celtic Connections on Radio 3 and mostly enjoyed the music, though I fell asleep during the programmes.

                        Doing every programme from the Late Night doings was a problem for me - would have preferred the odd concert, it all became a bit monotonous.

                        But I suspect those budget cuts will be used as an excuse, er reason.

                        What a whinger I am - I would much rather listen to it and complain than not have it all! In fact I'm listening again to Thursday's sesison as I write.


                        • johncorrigan
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 10506

                          I enjoyed Friday night's WO3 - enjoyed Joe whatsisname and the Blind Boys in particular. Which reminds me that on Sunday evening I caught a bit of a sort of 'Songs of Praise' in Gaelic (no Andy in sight) on Beeb 2 Scotland - there was a choir singing a Psalm from Stornaway with that answering that they do - pretty amazing actually. No LA unfortunately - must watch more of that series. Better than the Beeb1 one.
                          Last edited by johncorrigan; 31-01-11, 19:51. Reason: blown away by gaelic


                          • Lateralthinking1

                            I have finally got on to the Celtic Connections programme.

                            The opener and one or two of the others by Furnace Mountain reminded me a little of the songs from Why The Long Face by Suzzy and Maggie Roche. Not as good in my humble opinion - I love that album - and they didn't quite do it for me on the fast ones but interesting enough.

                            More observations in due course. For now, a really daft question. John - Are there any outdoors venues for Celtic Connections? - Lat.


                            • johncorrigan
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 10506

                              Only on the naturist beach beside the Clyde, Lat! Of course, nothing worn under the Kilts - all in perfect working order!

