My sister sent me this. Lovely.
The great Michael Marra dies
Richard Tarleton
That is a smashing clip. Many thanks Richard.
Call me an Englishman. I still have just a smidgen of doubt about the assurances from JC, Oilrig and Roddy Forsyth. It seems to me that Grace Kelly could be a rather wonderful rainy day fantasy in the mind of one of the Arabs, a combination perhaps of a temporary drifting off from the proceedings and a mirage in the haze. Alternatively, there is just a hint of an arguably endearing put down for one of the less effective players in the game. I have Nasser as the kind of supporter who faces the crowd with klaxon in hand and insists on reluctant types singing. But then I didn't get where I am today by always being in the real world.
(nb - Funny how a song can be felt as being so spot on because of the questions it raises - the questions become the answers!)
Spotted an ad for this programme in the window of a record shop in Dundee yesterday - needless to say I was heading in. It's a tribute to Michael this coming Friday on Beeb2 Scotland - I'll post the link once it comes up for those who fancy a watch.
Originally posted by johncorrigan View PostSpotted an ad for this programme in the window of a record shop in Dundee yesterday - needless to say I was heading in. It's a tribute to Michael this coming Friday on Beeb2 Scotland - I'll post the link once it comes up for those who fancy a watch.
Not sure where the nearest proper record shop is to here - we just have a second hand record shop 2 miles away and a very small number of chain shops in Croydon.
Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
Not sure where the nearest proper record shop is to here - we just have a second hand record shop 2 miles away and a very small number of chain shops in Croydon.
Has he ever done anything better?
... oh, and I picked this up for three quid.
Originally posted by johncorrigan View PostGroucho's, Lat - very good - new and second hand - yesterday on a sodden day I was treated to a right punky half hour including this treat played v. loud:
you never listen to a word that I said, you only seen me for the clothes that I wear, or did the interest go so much deeper it must have beenthe colour of my...
Has he ever done anything better?
... oh, and I picked this up for three quid.
(PIL reminds me of the jukebox in my university bar - one of the more current songs at the time alongside the Zombies and the Yardbirds etc - one of the classic moments there was 'Don't Fear The Reaper' getting stuck and lasting for well over an hour)
Not really long enough to take on someone with such a range of creativity, and so, of course, not enough music in there; but an affectionate tribute to Michael Marra and a beautiful poem written in memory of him by Scots Makar, Liz Lochead; and also his beautiful description of what his hometown meant to him. It's up there for a week.
Originally posted by johncorrigan View PostIn many ways radio is a better medium than TV and this beautiful tribute to Michael on Radio Scotland this evening shows it. A great listen - if you have to choose one, choose radio.
The TV programme was also very enjoyable. It brought out the fact that he was a very nice bloke and a true artist as well as a great singer songwriter. The clips in the programme deserve being played more. They - some are clips - and others are here -
Last edited by Guest; 04-01-13, 09:43.