John - sadly I wasn't able to give you the following advice before you made your trek down South, but maybe you'll bear it in mind next time.
Thanks to the non-stop stream of excellent politicians and bankers that Scotland has gifted on London, Scottish people are now held in the highest of esteem. This means the following:
1 The terms 'Sassenach' and 'ninny' are now regarded as compliments by any Londoner.
2 All taxis are free if you are from Scotland.
3 The accepted way to leave a taxi in order to reduce traffic congestion, is to climb out and run off as fast as you can. Don't forget to thank the driver by using the compliment from point 1. Perhaps at that time adding the word 'Great', as in 'Great Sassenach ninny'. He/she will be delighted.
4 This applies to the tube too. Sadly the technology to recognise Scottish people (based on visual recognition of devices such as kilts, thistles, tams) is not quite working, so you will have to push through the gates both on entry and exit. As a Scottish person you don't need to explain yourself, but perhaps again using the compliment from Point 1 if challenged by any official might be considered courteous.
5 A tradition previously established by your countrymen is that, on first sighting a traditional London 'Bobby' you should march up to him and tip his helmet off. Typically at that point you would inform him of your nationality, and perhaps what part of that place you came from.
6 Of course you may drink as much whisky as you like in any pub for free. Quite often the barperson will jokingly ask for payment. This is, of course, to be ignored, they are attempting to have fun at your expense (A bit cheeky I realise). As in point 6, a mere mention of your origin should sort this out. Should they decide to take the joke a bit further and a policeman appear, don't forget the advice in point 5.
I do hope this helps you enjoy your next visit to The Great Wen. Any further advice don't hesitate to let me know.
Thanks to the non-stop stream of excellent politicians and bankers that Scotland has gifted on London, Scottish people are now held in the highest of esteem. This means the following:
1 The terms 'Sassenach' and 'ninny' are now regarded as compliments by any Londoner.
2 All taxis are free if you are from Scotland.
3 The accepted way to leave a taxi in order to reduce traffic congestion, is to climb out and run off as fast as you can. Don't forget to thank the driver by using the compliment from point 1. Perhaps at that time adding the word 'Great', as in 'Great Sassenach ninny'. He/she will be delighted.
4 This applies to the tube too. Sadly the technology to recognise Scottish people (based on visual recognition of devices such as kilts, thistles, tams) is not quite working, so you will have to push through the gates both on entry and exit. As a Scottish person you don't need to explain yourself, but perhaps again using the compliment from Point 1 if challenged by any official might be considered courteous.
5 A tradition previously established by your countrymen is that, on first sighting a traditional London 'Bobby' you should march up to him and tip his helmet off. Typically at that point you would inform him of your nationality, and perhaps what part of that place you came from.
6 Of course you may drink as much whisky as you like in any pub for free. Quite often the barperson will jokingly ask for payment. This is, of course, to be ignored, they are attempting to have fun at your expense (A bit cheeky I realise). As in point 6, a mere mention of your origin should sort this out. Should they decide to take the joke a bit further and a policeman appear, don't forget the advice in point 5.
I do hope this helps you enjoy your next visit to The Great Wen. Any further advice don't hesitate to let me know.
