Anne Hilde Neset - LJ

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  • Globaltruth
    • Nov 2010
    • 4326

    Anne Hilde Neset - LJ

    The John Cage specials start tomorrow.

    If anyone wants to post spaces instead of words or any other kind of non-deterministic fontwork (zapf wingbats baby)as an homage, then this is the thread to do it on.

    Wonder if she'll be playing anything by those influenced by him, for example messrs Bryars G., Ono Y., and Zappa F.

    Tune in & find out.
    Or throw some yarrow stalks & find your hexagram (no. 23 obv.) in the I-Ching then you'll know. Something.
  • Globaltruth
    • Nov 2010
    • 4326

    Well here's the link
    Anne Hilde Neset explores the world of John Cage through his music and writings.

    Now - how was the show?

    Her style of delivery is well-suited to the subject & she did, as hoped, trawl back and forth in musical history to demonstrate the influences.
    The interview was perhaps a little long...he doesn't do harmony Mr. C.
    Who'd have thought?
    It was simply the best programme ever for sorting out 3 boxes of electronic gadgets which I've been meaning to do for years.
    Finishing with a rather beautiful piece from Mr. Cale.
    Much better than this one...?
    (listeners of a nervous disposition may wish to approach with caution - features heartfelt screaming)
    This is the fourth track on the recording from Alan Bangs' "Night Flight" radio programme. Notes from the record:John Cale in the BFBS Studios after his show...

    I was looking for Paris s'eveille but it doesn't appear to be on Youtube - that's what the last track on LJ reminded me of.
    But the one posted is a classic in its own way too.
    Last edited by Globaltruth; 19-09-12, 09:14. Reason: wake up to Paris...


    • Quarky
      Full Member
      • Dec 2010
      • 2684

      Enjoyed the programme far more than I expected. Always find John Cage long on underlying theory of his music, but short on interesting musical experiences.

      But this programme gave a very balanced view of his contributions. I enjoyed it from the point of view of an historical assessment of his work, much as I might appreciate a survey say of the work of Brahms, or dare I mention Beethoven.


      • johncorrigan
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 10509

        Originally posted by Globaltruth View Post
        Finishing with a rather beautiful piece from Mr. Cale.
        I thought it was a typo!


        • Globaltruth
          • Nov 2010
          • 4326

          And so to the second night -more of the same. Lost my attention about halfway through; although I liked the Laurie Anderson piece, it was Sonic Youth that forced me to switch to some S.E.Rogie courtesy of an old post by PS.


          • ferneyhoughgeliebte
            Gone fishin'
            • Sep 2011
            • 30163

            Originally posted by Globaltruth View Post
            If anyone wants to post spaces instead of words or any other kind of non-deterministic fontwork (zapf wingbats baby)as an homage, then this is the thread to do it on.
            nothing As needed
            i doN't solve the puzzle;
            iNstead i ask,
            prefErring inconsistency.

            as notHing is needed,
            the words I don't want (
            alL words satisfy
            ) i Don't want:
            inconsistEncy preferring.

            there is No reason,
            and vEry shortly
            a truck pasSing a music school
            frEes me from memory,
            needed as noThing
            [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


            • teamsaint
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 25302

              Originally posted by Globaltruth View Post
              And so to the second night -more of the same. Lost my attention about halfway through; although I liked the Laurie Anderson piece, it was Sonic Youth that forced me to switch to some S.E.Rogie courtesy of an old post by PS.
              Sonic Youth..once heard one track that interested me, so asked the kids for an album for Xmas.....awful !!Just don't get it.
              I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

              I am not a number, I am a free man.


              • johncorrigan
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 10509

                Originally posted by Globaltruth View Post
                And so to the second night -more of the same. Lost my attention about halfway through; although I liked the Laurie Anderson piece,.
                Got a pal who's in hospital for a while and LJ was a perfect accompaniment to this reformed procrastinator - not sure what he'll think of the letter but I found Cartridge Music excellent inspiration for those times of writer's block - so there's something in there. I also enjoyed the bit of LA.

                Originally posted by Globaltruth View Post
                it was Sonic Youth that forced me to switch to some S.E.Rogie courtesy of an old post by PS.
                I thought I'd missed something, Global; just for a millisec I thought that AHN had played S.E. inspired by Cage - but without doubt a total classic whether escaping Sonic Youth or not - excellent choice for those uncaged moments.


                • Globaltruth
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 4326

                  Originally posted by johncorrigan View Post
                  Got a pal who's in hospital for a while and LJ was a perfect accompaniment to this reformed procrastinator - not sure what he'll think of the letter but I found Cartridge Music excellent inspiration for those times of writer's block - so there's something in there. I also enjoyed the bit of LA.

                  I thought I'd missed something, Global; just for a millisec I thought that AHN had played S.E. inspired by Cage - but without doubt a total classic whether escaping Sonic Youth or not - excellent choice for those uncaged moments.
                  And on to Episode 3 during which I became more interested in the odd cadences & rhythms in AHN's voice - has she spent time in the States I wonder?
                  How does she keep her delivery so flat? This started to detract from my listening - but then again perhaps it was a Cage-like influence.
                  And who'd have thought Dr Stefan Buczacki from GQT (Gardeners Question Time) would have been featured along with John Paul Jones from The Zep, man?

                  John Cage’s MUSICIRCUS performance from the London Coliseum on 3 March 2012 was the main focus of the show - May perhaps have made a better TV show than a radio repeat. In that non-deterministic way this documentary could still be made..


                  • Globaltruth
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 4326

                    Anne Hilde Neset returns next week for what seems to be her annual visit to LJ. I wonder if she will be live too...


                    • Globaltruth
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 4326

                      So far, pleasant enough, she seemed to have a stronger presence last night, whereas on Tues the whole show disappeared into a background sound of weebling (hmm, not yet in Wikipedi this means a gentle dithering backgound noise of slight variation) and nurdling [to transpose the cricketing term: gently nudging the music into vacant areas of the soundscape)...she found favour with Yma Sumac track obviously. Preferable to N. Luscombe who was, once again, largely unlistenable - I dipped in and out of 2 or 3 episodes over the fortnight before I found my withered claw inexorably creeping towards the gnurled (or is it gnarled? or both) off switch.

                      Now some randomesque:

                      * Alasdair Roberts new album isn't on Spotify - you'll just have to buy it. In fact he seems to have taken a fair bit of his work off there. You should listen to it though. Paul S will have a copy, he may lend it to you.
                      * Stena Nordenstam - her People Are Strange album is worth a revisit. Here's a flavour

                      First appeared im my ears on the David Toop album Crooning on Venus (Vol. 2) which also features Arthur Russell - featured recently by Max R. It's as if these presenters talk to each other sometimes...and Stena sounds more than a bit like Julia Holter on the final track
             - so that's a trend then.

                      Just to set the scene for Anne Hilde N, here's a couple of pics of Norway:

                      and this is what they were building there a few years back...
                      Last edited by Globaltruth; 21-11-13, 15:26. Reason: oh, you know, changes & because I've got time whilst my real work uploads in the background. Hoorah for tech.


                      • Paul Sherratt

                        Still waiting my Alasdair to show up but of course you may borrow it ! And I discovered Aislingí Ceiol - Music of Dreams in the loft. If anyone wants that just me know.


                        • johncorrigan
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 10509

                          Originally posted by Paul Sherratt View Post
                          Still waiting my Alasdair to show up but of course you may borrow it ! And I discovered Aislingí Ceiol - Music of Dreams in the loft. If anyone wants that just me know.
                          I've been dipping in this week - she's a bit autocue-ish, and her voice grates a bit, and last night I almost left when I heard the irritating nasal whine of Anthony and the Johnstons kick off the show. I hung on and glad I did, for a fine bit of Iranian pop and the Necks doing their collab bit in the studio - I heard them a few weeks back when Max or Fi played a crackin' track - wasn't disappointed - half an hour without interruption - excellent!


                          • Globaltruth
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 4326

                            Yes, also like The Necks. And we've got to listen to something whilst waiting for World Music to return to Radio 3....(back next week with Lopa doing another WOMEX rerun).

                            Radio 4 still doing their bit though, for example - playing James Booker on the Today programme.

                            Whilst we're waiting here's another pic for armchair global music travellers....


                            • Globaltruth
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 4326

                              Jolly well played - Anne Hilde continues to play with a straight bat, a considered and thoughtful innings, taking away some of the concerns of the selectors as their choices have been somewhat restricted since the untimely (and, admittedly, quite a long time ago now) departure of not only a previous unreliable temperamental star but also the long-time 'safe pair of hands' Ms Sharp .
                              (shome mistake shurely: Ed)
                              After a rather intriguing track from Mordant, Anne Hilde revealed that,
                              at the age of 89, Else Marie Pade has a new LP out, apparently a collaboration with Sir M. Jagger, or 'the kid' as she calls him.

                              (ok, that's enough now: Ed)

                              (but well done for not mentioning the Kershaw word: Ed)

                              Other news: these Mysterious Mordant boys need help with their LP sleeve I believe...
                              Last edited by Globaltruth; 27-11-13, 16:11. Reason: I'm forgiving her the John Baker bit - she's allowed some self-indulgence too

