Lopa's Wo3

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  • Lateralthinking1

    You asked about Charlie and I just expanded my reply a little.

    Yes, HRH was good on the programme but Nusrat was regal. Don't know if you have had a chance to see a group like the Rizwan people. When I did, my legs were shaking afterwards. It was brilliant.


    • Globaltruth
      • Nov 2010
      • 4326

      That Lopa show - session by the Owiny Sigoma Band, summarised as 'a bunch of musicians from different backgrounds and cultures discover that they can all make some pretty good music'. That's a pretty rich seam to explore...in this case the Nairobi influence prevailed. And that's not a bad thing.

      I quite enjoyed the session and the show, but must disagree with Lopa's definition of what is 'wacky'. She should listen to some of our playlists if she wants 'wacky (almost as bad a word as 'eclectic').

      It's like my son-in-law said about 'Cowboys and Aliens' - it didn't change my life but it was good entertainment.

      'Nuff said.


      • Paul Sherratt

        One man's wacky is another man's floor.


        Is there a word more abused than 'eclectic' ? Platform 3 passengers will know !


        • Lateralthinking1



          • johncorrigan
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 10507

            Was it my imagination or did Lopa sound a bit more relaxed during Friday's show - I see that this coming week she's got as guests, Fool's Gold, who did this fine Ethiopique influenced tune that got played a bit last year.
            Directed by Adria Petty and shot in a mausoleum at Los Angeles's Hollywood Forever CemeteryAlbum out now!!http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/fools-gold/id33211...


            • Globaltruth
              • Nov 2010
              • 4326

              I managed to listen to about 3 tracks on Lopa's latest before abandoning ship (halfway thru the Tinariwen track) and seeking solace, entertainment and stimulating variety in Verity's show from Thursday. I'll maybe do a comparison of the playlists.

              The irony was not lost on me - being irritated by the comments on Platform 3 about WM being 'pap' and 'pablum', then switching her show off for that very reason.
              Ho hum.

              PS - can you not provide your gentle mentoring services to Lopa too?
              Or maybe it's just me, addicted to the contrasts and depth of (just about all) the 'other' presenters, and permanently impatient with Lopa? I see she did have Pokey LF and one or 2 other interesting pieces, whereas Verity's LJ did feature another in the series of moderately awful sessions. Really don't need those interviews, and what on earth was young Luscombe doing in there? Other than a warm-up for his show next week with the grumpy egotistical one.
              Last edited by Globaltruth; 27-08-11, 09:12. Reason: forgot to add 'ho hum'


              • johncorrigan
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 10507

                Originally posted by Globaltruth View Post
                I managed to listen to about 3 tracks on Lopa's latest before abandoning ship and seeking solace, entertainment and stimulating variety in Verity's show from Thursday. I'll maybe do a comparison of the playlists.

                The irony was not lost on me - being irritated by the comments on Platform 3 about WM being 'pap' and 'pablum', then switching her show off for that very reason.
                Ho hum.

                PS - can you not provide your gentle mentoring services to Lopa too?
                Or maybe it's just me, addicted to the contrasts and depth of (just about all) the 'other' presenters.
                Lopa was back on the autocue - hohum - though I did love track 4 Global - Gambian psychedelic she described it as - thought it was great, though I'm sure she said Fab. Fool's Gold were nothing like the Ethipique inspired music, but following the route of folky stuff - Fleet Foxes etc - their chat seemed endless and etc etc etc.
                Needless to say I drifted away and back, and I'll need to double check but you might want to listen out for the threesome she played just after FG's second twosome. Great but especially the Nitin Sawhiney who had someone singing - blinkin' wonderful voice - the two on either side were pretty grand too. I went to bed after that - didn't feel like listening to Dutch Delta Sounds - I've got them via Songlines in the car.


                • Paul Sherratt


                  I doubt it ! A most senior one at the station once told me, with a smile, that Ms K was the bossiest person that this top person
                  had ever come across.

                  So two of a kind in a small confined space ...


                  • Paul Sherratt

                    >>>Really don't need those interviews

                    Not NL's fault at all but I did think that some of the giggling sections of the interview was very poor radio.


                    • Lateralthinking1

                      Have read through all these comments with interest. To what extent do the presenters pick the records? Each programme, including LJ, has a mix that reflects the presenter. However, I am perplexed. I can't see "BBC 2011" doing anything without a committee yet I'd be surprised if Max wasn't mainly his own man. On Lopa's style, I know what people mean but I still find her ok. There is one current presenter of WM I am not so keen on but I don't have much of an anti thing going with anyone.

                      Musically, this selection didn't grab me. John - I too thought that the Horse-Sawhney-Wilson worked best. Just a few doubts. One, I can't see the Horse track as being a forerunner to rap. Two, someone suggested on the net that Dr Horse "is Louis Jordan". I am confused by that point. Three the Sawhney one was a bit Moby. That from a commercial angle isn't terrible - I like Moby as an individual and he did interesting things with "Play" - but it isn't roots music. Incidentally, on YT, the track is described as featuring Yolanda Quartey. Oh, and there are some omissions on the track listings on the Wo3 site - Brothers of Brazil, Sophia Ray.

                      I didn't take to FG much either. Didn't hear anything "Ethiopique" in there but they aren't Fleet Foxes. I continue to see FF as among the best of the recent in the commercial sphere. Derivative, yes unashamedly, but in a field that had been overlooked for so long that what they did was radical. Plus they have real integrity. I look in that area for a sound that feels genuinely like it has something of the organic. They work completely on that level for me as a commercial concern. No, FG are Vampire Weekend. A bit clever, clever. A concept. More studio than soul. There is nothing there that is soaring emotionally and nothing to stir the blood.

                      And going back almost to the original point, I am wondering who decides these days on the sessions. I am afraid that I felt The Invisible on LJ were also somewhat contrived. They obviously had musical accomplishment and some decent enough references, even a few ideas, but there was no real music in the instrumentation for me and I found the vocals very insipid.
                      Last edited by Guest; 28-08-11, 01:16.


                      • johncorrigan
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 10507

                        Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
                        One, I can't see the Horse track as being a forerunner to rap. Two, someone suggested on the net that Dr Horse "is Louis Jordan". I am confused by that point. Three the Sawhney one was a bit Moby. That from a commercial angle isn't terrible - I like Moby as an individual and he did interesting things with "Play" - but it isn't roots music. Incidentally, on YT, the track is described as featuring Yolanda Quartey. .
                        Thanks for the info about the singer with the NS track - loved that voice. As for Rapping I always thought a forerunner was this guy - not the only forerunner, I should add.

                        Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
                        I didn't take to FG much either. Didn't hear anything "Ethiopique" in there but they aren't Fleet Foxes. .
                        I think what I was meaning was that FG had abandoned one type of music - the Ethipiques, Dub Collossus approach- for another derivative style. I only found FG folky in that North West Coast type of way - Midlake, Fleet Foxes etc - I don't think they are them - they were just sounding like trend followers.
                        I think Fleet Foxes are alright, though from that general genre I do prefer a spot of Decemberists, especially Crane Wife.


                        • Globaltruth
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 4326

                          How perplexed do you think Pokey and the boys were at recording for such an august station?

                          Not at all I suspect...

                          Yeah man.

                          I like them - but they could have as easily done their set for r2, bigger audience for them...More space for WM on Wo3. Actually they may have made that cross station jump - ?

                          Still great to hear them on the BBC somewhere.


                          • johncorrigan
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 10507

                            I see Lopa has the Brothers of Brazil on tonight - described as Rockabilly-Bossa.

                            She's got a nice looking wee triple bill of calypso in there later on - must try to listen - I missed last week and with the Neil Young Doc on tonight, even though I've seen it before, I reckon it'll be LA for LK.
                            Lopa Kothari presents the Brothers of Brazil in session, plus new world music releases.


                            • johncorrigan
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 10507

                              Well they're brothers and they're from Brazil though I'm bemused about why that is suitable criteria for a spot on Wo3. I ended up having to do a late-ish night run to pick up a stranded teen so had an hour in Lopa's company. Apart from the BFB being less than inspiring (mild understatement), Lopa then hit us with a couple of Brazilian rappers from her recent trip there (I can't believe that's the best she has to offer) - which she partially rescued with DJ Tudo Gente de todo Lugar(pretty good). There were some nice things in there and she does try to play some unusual stuff, but it's not really working for me - especially when you have guests who make you want to rip yer knittin'.

                              On a lighter note, the highlight, predictably, was 'My Wife's Nightie' by Lord Kitchener - quality!
                              Last edited by johncorrigan; 22-10-11, 09:07. Reason: end on a positive note I sometimes say!


                              • Globaltruth
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 4326

                                Originally posted by johncorrigan View Post
                                Well they're brothers and they're from Brazil though I'm bemused about why that is suitable criteria for a spot on Wo3. I ended up having to do a late-ish night run to pick up a stranded teen so had an hour in Lopa's company. Apart from the BFB being less than inspiring (mild understatement), Lopa then hit us with a couple of Brazilian rappers from her recent trip there (I can't believe that's the best she has to offer) - which she partially rescued with DJ Tudo Gente de todo Lugar(pretty good). There were some nice things in there and she does try to play some unusual stuff, but it's not really working for me - especially when you have guests who make you want to rip yer knittin'.

                                On a lighter note, the highlight, predictably, was 'My Wife's Nightie' by Lord Kitchener - quality!
                                I'm glad to read this post; I decided not to do my predictable vent about Lopa, so it's reassuring to know you have a similar view - once again, the OFF switch was beckoning to me too strongly to be ignored after not very long.

                                If they have to make some cuts in the WM area, then her salary would be my nomination...

