Lopa's Wo3

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  • handsomefortune

    to think i nearly didn't bother global truth! (mainly due to watching really awful phone films taken at astakte's gigs by punters, as posted on utube...before coughing up for the tickets).

    BUT so glad i went now - absolutely nothing like i'd feared: top quality - all round.


    • Lateralthinking1

      Great posts. Just to confirm that I have never been Allison Moorer.

      (I can't comment on Lopa's latest yet - far too busy)
      Last edited by Guest; 09-12-12, 17:01.


      • Globaltruth
        • Nov 2010
        • 4326

        in fact I've just had to go back a bit to find out what we were actually talking about...oh, maybe not, let's go forward

        in fact I'd rather combine the 2... THIS is who s/he is..

        Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

        and, if anyone fancies trawling here, you may be rewarded:

        or have they all been Westernised?
        Last edited by Globaltruth; 09-12-12, 16:58. Reason: erm, well, other great posts. I blame JC for encouraging this kind of ting


        • johncorrigan
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 10509

          Lopa was on live last night and with her guest explored some of the work of Ravi Shankar for the first 40/50 mins - strangely, Wo3 was late starting due to some unexplained incident - probably the jazzers at work. Through it all I kept being reminded of how important the conversation with the tablas is to the sitar - at their best it feel like the tablas keep the sitar grounded and the sitar lets the tablas fly.
          Last edited by johncorrigan; 15-12-12, 08:45. Reason: ...playlist not there so I don't know who the guest was!


          • Globaltruth
            • Nov 2010
            • 4326

            It was the Angels not the jazzers....do you know JC I was also going to mention the 'Max Effect'....

            (and, tangentially, I enjoyed the preface programme about sycamores - my house has a partner sycamore growing down on the ridge which still towers over the side building, although the house is older than the tree by about 200 years. About the same age as the yews next door who are the really interesting trees. hmm, getting into tree-hugging territory Do you know that's given me an idea for a playlist for next year...or, JC, should I 'leaf' it?)
            Last edited by Globaltruth; 15-12-12, 09:14.


            • johncorrigan
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 10509

              Originally posted by Globaltruth View Post
              It was the Angels not the jazzers....do you know JC I was also going to mention the 'Max Effect'....

              (and, tangentially, I enjoyed the preface programme about sycamores - my house has a partner sycamore growing down on the ridge which still towers over the side building, although the house is older than the tree by about 200 years. About the same age as the yews next door who are the really interesting trees. hmm, getting into tree-hugging territory Do you know that's given me an idea for a playlist for next year...or, JC, should I 'leaf' it?)
              Yep Global - I was well persuaded that the Sycamores are not the weeds of the tree world while waiting for Lopa. Mind you just next to the Tay just out of Dunkeld is the most magnificent of Sycamores - over three hundred of our earth years in rings it towers over its neighbour, the Birnam Oak, almost six hundred years its elder ( or should that be alder? ) - trees don't you just love them. We're even contemplating moving one in to the house next week - though I'm not sure whit fir!


              • Globaltruth
                • Nov 2010
                • 4326

                Originally posted by johncorrigan View Post
                Yep Global - I was well persuaded that the Sycamores are not the weeds of the tree world while waiting for Lopa. Mind you just next to the Tay just out of Dunkeld is the most magnificent of Sycamores - over three hundred of our earth years in rings it towers over its neighbour, the Birnam Oak, almost six hundred years its elder ( or should that be alder? ) - trees don't you just love them. We're even contemplating moving one in to the house next week - though I'm not sure whit fir!
                According to Niels Klim, from his 1845 novel Journey's Under the Ground, there are an intelligent tree-people known as the Potu.
                I believe Lopa has a duty to play us some of their music (d'ye like the way I carefully steered it back to WM? Alternative fantasy WM obviously, but nevertheless I take some satisfaction from it)


                • johncorrigan
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 10509

                  Originally posted by Globaltruth View Post
                  I believe Lopa has a duty to play us some of their music (d'ye like the way I carefully steered it back to WM? Alternative fantasy WM obviously, but nevertheless I take some satisfaction from it)

                  It's certainly roots, G!


                  • Lateralthinking1

                    Originally posted by johncorrigan View Post
                    It's certainly roots, G!
                    But is it Christmas? Surely it should be "hymns" at this time of year.


                    • Lateralthinking1

                      Sorry. I took a wrong turning earlier when looking for the Sly Old Gentleman From Featherbed Lane and ended up at music hall misdemeanours. Apparently anyone can be a DJ for the day on Potu-Potu Radio. In the meantime, trees are an excellent choice.

                      I have my tree in the corner of my living room and have also enjoyed a nice roast meal at the local golf course. The Featherbed Lane song is for the forthcoming category "songs that have been sung in fields under moonlight" but you knew that already.


                      • Lateralthinking1

                        Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
                        Sorry. I took a wrong turning earlier when looking for the Sly Old Gentleman From Featherbed Lane and ended up at music hall misdemeanours. Apparently anyone can be a DJ for the day on Potu-Potu Radio. In the meantime, trees are an excellent choice.

                        I have my tree in the corner of my living room and have also enjoyed a nice roast meal at the local golf course. The Featherbed Lane song is for the forthcoming category "songs that have been sung in fields under moonlight" but you knew that already.
                        On second thoughts, trees are much better. How many songs have actually been sung in fields under moonlight?

                        Shine on Harvest Moon, Paisley Park sung with the lyric Paisley Cows, Chime by Orbital......after that I'm struggling and that includes everyone I have ever known. And the field has to have friesians in it for the middle one to make any sense.


                        • teamsaint
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 25293

                          Sorry to interrupt whatever it is you lot are on about () but can anybody find a playlist for Dec 15 WO3?

                          I am listening and want to find out what the Solomon Islands thing is, round about 50 mins. Cheers people.

                          Very cryptic this sub forum can be...in a good way !!
                          Last edited by teamsaint; 17-12-12, 12:48. Reason: wrote playlust instead of list !!
                          I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

                          I am not a number, I am a free man.


                          • Lateralthinking1

                            Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
                            Sorry to interrupt whatever it is you lot are on about () but can anybody find a playlist for Dec 15 WO3?

                            I am listening and want to find out what the Solomon Islands thing is, round about 50 mins. Cheers people.

                            Very cryptic this sub forum can be...in a good way !!
                            You are right - no list. Narasirato (feat Jason Mayall) - Mato from the CD Warato'o. And, yes, it is Strummeresque!


                            • teamsaint
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 25293

                              Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
                              You are right - no list. Narasirato (feat Jason Mayall) - Mato from the CD Warato'o. And, yes, it is Strummeresque!
                              cheers Lat...no list, my ropey broadband...frustrating. Good show though.
                              I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

                              I am not a number, I am a free man.


                              • Lateralthinking1

                                Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
                                cheers Lat...no list, my ropey broadband...frustrating. Good show though.
                                More than happy to oblige. Now then, if Brad Pitt is 49 today, that must mean I'm.........50.

                                A very happy birthday from all the people inside my head at 10.20am precisely.

                                Only three days to the end of the world too. Groovy.

