Your own internet radio station...

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  • Globaltruth
    • Nov 2010
    • 4326

    Your own internet radio station...

    Radionomy lets you create and broadcast your own radio station - currently only in Europe.

    Now, if Paul Sherratt passed by he might find this interesting....and some of us may like the results.
  • Paul Sherratt

    Is that the time ?

    ¡Hola, bienvenida(o)! RADIO QUELITE es una estación de radio que transmite vía Internet -las 24 horas del día, 7 días a la semana sin parar- las más bellas y representativas canciones en la historia musical de México. RADIO QUELITE se erige asimisma como "La Voz Musical de México en Internet". En este espacio radiofonico puedes disfrutar melodias de músicos y cantantes mexicanos que con amor, pasión, profesionalismo, tenacidad, talento y entrega incomparable han escrito con letras doradas las páginas más memorables de la música tradicional, regional, folclórica y popular mexicana. Música de mariachi, marimba, sones abajeños, huapangos, gustos, corridos, jarabes, rancheras, boleros, norteña, banda tradicional, trova yucateca, tríos, cuartetos ...

    Got a house full at the moment but they've all gone off to M & S ( why ? ) so me and the dogs have got a relaxed few minutes for the quiet corner. Interesting site - but if I ever get time and the tech skills to knock out a few tunes to the world ( ha ! ) I'd start off on Doug's stream but well found GT ! And my theme would be that should be no theme. Eeeee yay oooh aye as they just sang on R Quelite

    The nice young drummer lad staying with us skipped through my ipod and said that there were only a handful of names he recognised out of a few thousand. Is that a good or bad thing ? Or neither !


    • Globaltruth
      • Nov 2010
      • 4326

      Oh well - maybe I'll have a bash...using the Spotty p.lists as some of the input.

      Young drummer - depends what the ones he did know were

      [started looking at this Radionomy. It only works with WINDOWS XP and VISTA - no Mac, Win7, Linux - this is a prob. for me...the programme she is written by some French chaps. so the English she is fractured in the oddest place.]
      Last edited by Globaltruth; 30-10-11, 17:20. Reason: Radionomy - we need to talk; you got issues man


      • Globaltruth
        • Nov 2010
        • 4326

        ok, making progress with this. It DOES work with WIN 7, presumably in compatability mode. That's a relief.

        Here are a few things they don't tell you at the start (remembering what I said about the Franglais)

        2 - What kind of services does Radionomy offer ?
        Radionomy propose you to create an online radio. Radionomy is freely* taking care of :
        - Broadcasting
        - Author Rights
        - Scheduling Tool
        - Audience reporting
        - Music Library
        - Storage space for you own songs/contents
        - Live Function
        *Free service is available with conditions specified below.
        3 – Notable terms of use
        Two points are important :
        - 9 months after the day your radio began to broadcast, you must reach the audience level of
        130 daily streamed hours (30 days average) to continue to be hosted freely. For more
        information, please see here :
        - Radionomy broadcasts advertising on your radio, for a maximum of 4 minutes per hour.
        Advertising revenues will be shared with the radio creator according to terms detailed here :
        Hmm, given that I'm not at all interested in the advertising revenues, and not even sure I want to impose that on anyone who actually cares to listen, not sure how far I'll go with this. So far I have an inactive radio station with content. Some content. when it's active, I will share it. Now, how do I make it active...?


        • Globaltruth
          • Nov 2010
          • 4326

          ok, I understand now - basically you create a show, then set up a time for it to play, when it plays, then it is 'active' this may take some whiles for me to do.


          • Lateralthinking1

            I haven't read it all through. Can you talk on it between the records?


            • Globaltruth
              • Nov 2010
              • 4326

              Yes, you can record your own pieces between records er tracks, there is a library of pre-recorded jingles (ugh), or you can record your own...


              • Paul Sherratt

                >>Can you talk on it between the records?

                But to be a proper DJ like those BBC R2 daytime thrill-jockeys from Wogan sideways, you'd need to be able to talk OVER the records.
                At the beginning, any time during, then over at least the last minute and a half.


                • johncorrigan
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 10509

                  Originally posted by Paul Sherratt View Post
                  >>Can you talk on it between the records?

                  But to be a proper DJ like those BBC R2 daytime thrill-jockeys from Wogan sideways, you'd need to be able to talk OVER the records.
                  At the beginning, any time during, then over at least the last minute and a half.

                  Yeah Paul - otherwise how will we have the catch phrases. To quote Mr Dammers' quote of SJS on Cerys: 'Now then, now then, Guys and Gals! Remember, you don't have to be number one in the hit parade to be a number one human being.'

                  ......can you crash the pips?
                  Last edited by johncorrigan; 02-11-11, 10:14. Reason: moment's silence for Sir Jimmy!


                  • Simon

                    Ah, "disfrutar" indeed. One of the most evocative verbs in the whole of Spanish...

