Getting a bit fed up with seeing the post I made over two days ago as the latest post on the world music section, so a mention to a segment on last night's Late Junction that hit the spot with me.
Ernst Reijseger, Alan Gunga Purves, Tenore e Cuncordu de Orosei — Trad: Libera Me, Domine
Colla Voche, Winter and Winter 910 037 2
Ernst Reijseger, Patrizio Mura, Alan Gunga Purves — Trad: Armonica
Colla Voche, Winter and Winter 910 037 2
Hespèrion XX — Alfonso X el Sabio: Rotundellus
Orient-Occident, Alia Vox AVSA 9848
Ernst Reijseger, Alan Gunga Purves, Tenore e Cuncordu de Orosei — Trad: Libera Me, Domine
Colla Voche, Winter and Winter 910 037 2
Ernst Reijseger, Patrizio Mura, Alan Gunga Purves — Trad: Armonica
Colla Voche, Winter and Winter 910 037 2
Hespèrion XX — Alfonso X el Sabio: Rotundellus
Orient-Occident, Alia Vox AVSA 9848