Savage Cuts At The BBC ?

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  • Paul Sherratt
    • Mar 2025

    Savage Cuts At The BBC ?

    The lovely and wonderful Barrence Whitfield is having his first album re-issued by
    good old Ace Records ( with extra tracks of course )

    But where now will this gem get played on our BBC. Is it too loud for late night R3 ?
    Will World Routes put it on their album review list. Will Mark Lamarr have chance to give it the exposure it deserves for a new Savage audience ?

    Ace album write-up by 'a fan'

    >>>In the spring of 1985, my old friend Dave Woodhead, who had turned me on to many musical treasures, including Jim Ford’s “Harlan County”, lent to me an album he’d picked up on a trip to the States. When Dave recommended something I took notice.

    The LP was the debut release of an R&B band then unknown outside of the Boston area. It was one of those moments in which I had to disagree with Bo Diddley: more often than not you can judge a book by the cover. Likewise an album. This one displayed an amateurish illustration of a cauldron in a jungle which itself carried with it a no-nonsense implication. The name of the band also advertised a record that was going to be uncompromising. Barrence Whitfield and the Savages sounds, on its own, like a declaration of rock’n’roll authenticity.

    Uncompromising would have been a description of Barrence and the Savages that the Del Fuegos would rather not have had confirmed only a few days after Dave had lent me the LP. I was standing next to them, on the side of the stage in a huge quayside club in Boston. The Del Fuegos were the headliners that night. And the man opening for them was, at that moment, being borne around the room on the hands of a frenzied crowd, a little black ball of energy in a turban and dark glasses – honking, wailing, testifying and twisting – as his band, the Savages, some distance away on stage, ripped through the swagger of ‘Walking With Barrence’. The Del Fuegos looked like they wanted to go home.

    What positioned Barrence and the band way beyond any other rock’n’roll of the era was a unique marriage of Barrence’s personality and R&B shouter elan to the bounce and insolence of Peter Greenberg’s essentially rockabilly guitar style. With the addition of much ill-mannered saxophone, we have here a band which embodied the heart and soul of rock’n’roll.

    I hadn’t got to the end of Side 1 of Dave’s loaned copy before I called the number in the States on the back. It was that of Barrence’s manager, Andy Doherty. “They’re playing this Friday and Saturday,” he said. That did it. I just hopped on a plane and went to Boston for the weekend. Andy, a nice man and professional fan, put me up.

    Barrence and I became instant pals and soul brothers. The source of his R&B credentials was clear on a walk with him around Boston. Barrence could not pass a collectors’ record shop and actually worked part-time in one. He knew his stuff and, unusually for a young black guy at the time, he was a real enthusiast for old R&B, soul, blues and country. Around the city, Barrence’s popularity was astonishing. Everyone seemed to recognise and adore the little bugger. If he’d run for mayor, I’m convinced he’d have walked it.

    I came home to evangelise on Radio 1 about the live experience of the band whose debut LP tracks on my programme were already sending listeners daft. And I did what I could to help set up the first British dates for Barrence and the band.

    Now, at last released on CD, is that astonishing album. If you were with us in 1985, you’ll welcome a replacement for your elderly Savages vinyl. If you are about to meet Barrence for the first time, be prepared to be shaken to your soul by the LP which made me hop immediately on a plane to the States and compelled one listener, another R&B screamer called Robert Plant, to track me down and phone me at home to reserve his ticket for Barrence’s first British gig. Be prepared, in fact, to be Savaged <<

    By Andy Kershaw

    Vintage Savage Joy :

    The album details
    Last edited by Guest; 06-12-10, 14:20. Reason: Spellin. Lamarr, he's making eyes at me !
  • johncorrigan
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 10509

    Who's the guy doing the interview? - he's pretty good - surely someone at the beeb could find him a job. Wonder how Barrance got on with Sade.
    By the way, one of my bugbears is what is Radio 1Xtra about - maybe it's doing something amazing (though not when I listened to it), but there must be room for a bit of Barance. Or Don Letts might play him - he plays lots of good things but he's another in the Lamaar timezone. Come on Beeb, get your act together and think about us folk who like to get the hot milk and slippers in.

    By the way, just heard Billy Bragg stuck in a grid lock south of Glasgow trying to get to his gig - Central Scotland has stopped.


    • Paul Sherratt

      >>>just heard Billy Bragg stuck in a grid lock south of Glasgow

      Perhaps he should never have parted company with that original roadie !


      • Globaltruth
        • Nov 2010
        • 4326

        There is some Barrence on Sp*t*fy and you may find a quieter moment from BW in your inbox.


        • Lateralthinking1

          Interesting. I have started to compile a Playlist D for purely private purposes. I have also been dipping in more to others' individual playlists in the last 24 hours.

          D is a combination of some of the things I have discovered myself during the last two shared playlists and tracks I particularly like from your individual ones. Of the latter, Bloody Mary was one of the first to go in.


          • Globaltruth
            • Nov 2010
            • 4326

            Hmm, you may need help with your naming strategy...They are laterally dull - worthy of something a little more inviting...

            Anyway does anyone have any objections if I post the collab ones at at some point.


            • Lateralthinking1

              That isn't very friendly.


              • Lateralthinking1



                • Lateralthinking1

                  ....perhaps it's the organisation, the effort, the attention to detail and the connection both by theme and sound that you don't like. What you said was uncalled for.


                  • Eine Alpensinfonie
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 20590

                    Lateralthinking, are you trying to fast-track becoming a senior member?


                    • Lateralthinking1

                      No, not at all. I shouldn't have thought there was much difference between 87, 70 and 69. A gob's a gob whoever owns it.


                      • Globaltruth
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 4326

                        Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
                        No, not at all. I shouldn't have thought there was much difference between 87, 70 and 69. A gob's a gob whoever owns it.
                        Hey if that was me that caused that, I'm sorry - only having a gentle jibe at the playlist names, not the content which you know I generally lurve.


                        • Lateralthinking1

                          That's ok friend. No hard feelings. I'm a touch sensitive given all that has happened to me this year - the most abysmal of my life. Unexpected unemployment is devastating and it affects absolutely everything.

                          For the record, you may recall that playlists A, B and C were created when I was fumbling around with the Spotify technology. It was a week of hard graft getting at least one track over from each of the artists I had on Napster.

                          They were mainly for my own benefit - "a memory aide" - but I didn't mind at all sharing them. I'm generally a team player. In fact, I'm still not entirely sure that the new Playlist J is private. I'm not very bright technologically.

                          With the last two shared playlists, which I enjoyed and so thank you for including me, I was in experimental mode. It was very much like being let loose in the BBC library for the first time, to quote from a previous thread. I was doing my own thing - seeing where I could go with it aurally and with imagination - while also learning and sharing.

                          I know that I can be a pest at times and don't mean to be overbearing. I've just got a lot to say for myself now that I have little to do each day and future anxieties. I like to think that I retain something of a sense of humour. As for the detective thing, it was and is no more than that. It's the music and discussion about that I like. Lat.


                          • Globaltruth
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 4326


                            glad that's sorted then...

                            Fancy posting a link to Alan (aka D)? I can't find it.


                            • Lateralthinking1

                              Neither can I. No problem.

