Nick Luscombe on Late Junction

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  • Globaltruth
    • Nov 2010
    • 4326

    Nick Luscombe on Late Junction

    Amazing concept - a new thread BEFORE THE SHOWS HAVE EVEN AIRED.

    It's mainly because I couldn't find PS's post with the observation re Joe Boyd being on the first show, which in turn had prompted me to check this quote from JB (which is still on his website).

    I don't go to gigs involving WPSEs (White People Singing in English)
    He's cutting himself off from quite a bit with that particular self-imposed rule.

    Anyway, NL is down to play some Augustus Pablo on Thurs (and you may remember that Pablo is the plural of Pablum )

    Must dash - I think I need to find a gig for JC on Dec. 18th - JC you may be able to hook up with Lily and the Laputans..they are in your area, but only on a flying visit so you will need to be swift
    Last edited by Globaltruth; 28-08-11, 16:35.
  • Lateralthinking1

    He likes Japanese electronica among many other things. What are the chances of him playing "Like A Rolling Stone"?

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    • johncorrigan
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 10509

      ...or Dylan Lat.

      OK, I know it ain't electronica, but it is masked and anonymous!


      • Globaltruth
        • Nov 2010
        • 4326

        In which two buffers discuss random ways in which to arrange a vinyl collection, different kinds of angriness, and er, that's about it.

        **CAUTION: Contains David Sylvian which some listeners may find offensive**


        • johncorrigan
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 10509

          I caught the first hour and really enjoyed the Teddy Thompson/ McGarrigle segue - it was certainly a different LJ but I kind of enjoy Joe's voice - I loved it when he did that Wo3 anniversary thing and he played the Baku Water drums - still one of my faves - I thought Nick held up quite well under pressure to match him. I couldn't help wondering how this guy would fair doing a bit of musical ping pong with JB.

          Loved the Mills Bros.....and the Ry Cooder - looking forward to hearing a bit more


          • Paul Sherratt

            The wireless was on but I never heard a thing !
            But should get the opportunity to LA today.

            John, it looks like you have The Dundee Wandering Singers to look forward to !


            • Globaltruth
              • Nov 2010
              • 4326

              Should I post a pic of the external hard disk which contains my music? It's actually spread across several, I think the ReadyNASDUO is the most photogenic...

              (Actually I must confess to having some lovely vinyl too)


              • johncorrigan
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 10509

                Originally posted by Paul Sherratt View Post

                John, it looks like you have The Dundee Wandering Singers to look forward to !
                Now nobody can tell me that an i-pod does the job of that wall, Paul.....and who might them wandering singers be Paul - not the ones that wander about every Friday night?

                actually maybe Global could!


                • Paul Sherratt

                  Those were my immediate thoughts John, Dundee being Dundee
                  That's not my wall btw, but it is similar !
                  ( Plus the crates in the loft - all to be rationalised, honest .. )


                  • Globaltruth
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 4326

                    Originally posted by johncorrigan View Post
                    Now nobody can tell me that an i-pod does the job of that wall, Paul.....and who might them wandering singers be Paul - not the ones that wander about every Friday night?

                    actually maybe Global could!
                    I do stream the music thru some excellent Quad speakers (amongst other things), and depending on the format you use, the compression, all that nerdy stuff (including tweaking it so you get the sound you want to hear...) then I think it is a close run thing.

                    You can even simulate pops and crackles if you want...

                    However there is the whole Kindle versus real book aspect to it, in which case I freely admit that the overall package of an LP beats digital streaming hands-down every time...

                    anyway back to NL - I suspect the best answer is that he should be given a bit more time. Although he lost serious points with that wretched Sylvian track imo. but may have gained them back with the fab Cab Calloway.

                    I think PS was referring to the track about 1:18 in.


                    • Paul Sherratt

                      >>>I think the ReadyNASDUO is the most photogenic

                      ' Eck, Global, that must be the 'Julie Christie' of streaming devices !


                      • eighthobstruction
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 6531

                        As a shelf makers extraordinaire....extremely pleased to see no sag in those shelves....
                        bong ching


                        • Globaltruth
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 4326

                          Originally posted by Paul Sherratt View Post
                          >>>I think the ReadyNASDUO is the most photogenic

                          ' Eck, Global, that must be the 'Julie Christie' of streaming devices !

                          Shown there with extra storage dock being added...and, yes, absolutely no sagging

                          (now a whole thread currently devoted to questions of storage, but in a musical context - where are the off-the-shelf musical suggestions?)


                          • eighthobstruction
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 6531

                            Mis-shapen, assorted sized cardboard boxes pushed behind the sofa, or wedged in alcove , but still overflowing, no longer de rigueur then....??
                            bong ching


                            • Paul Sherratt

                              Btw Global et al, I only used Ms Christie as an illustration because she was a one-time a listener to the AK record spinning

                              >>no longer de rigueur then

                              With serious collectors, it still is, eighthobstruction. Mind you in my experience they are few and far between
                              John* of 'Henry's' in Burton on Trent, now he once had a loft that was at the extreme end of the scale ..

                              * Pictured, arms folded, in the sunny picture accompanying this article
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                              Last edited by Guest; 31-08-11, 11:46.

