Righto chaps, is that all clear then? Certainly reads like it.
So enough of all this violent agreement, let's, as I like to say, get back to the music.
I believe Vieux Farka Toure has a new album out. Has anyone actually listened to it yet? And if so what does it tell us? I'd see if it was on Spottle if I wasn't trapped in this Garrett with Verlaine,Rimbaud and flipping A. Jarry.
I'm warning you that i'm thinking of changing the thread title to A Bag of Bits. I like this thread and if it was a person I'd probably be happy to spend a few hours in a bar with it talking more than drinkIng. If it was a vegetable it would be a member of the brassica family, underrated, versatile and best when fresh. So maybe it should be The Call Any Vegetable thread?
So enough of all this violent agreement, let's, as I like to say, get back to the music.
I believe Vieux Farka Toure has a new album out. Has anyone actually listened to it yet? And if so what does it tell us? I'd see if it was on Spottle if I wasn't trapped in this Garrett with Verlaine,Rimbaud and flipping A. Jarry.
I'm warning you that i'm thinking of changing the thread title to A Bag of Bits. I like this thread and if it was a person I'd probably be happy to spend a few hours in a bar with it talking more than drinkIng. If it was a vegetable it would be a member of the brassica family, underrated, versatile and best when fresh. So maybe it should be The Call Any Vegetable thread?