Here's the 91 year-old Robert Lockwood shortly before his death singing 'Sweet Home Chicago', a song he learned from Robert Johnson, born 27th March in 1915 in Turkey Scratch, Arkansas.
Mr Lockwood shares a birthday with pianist Leroy Carr, born 10 years earlier in Nashville, Tennessee. Leroy hung out with Scrapper Blackwell and here they are together on 'Memphis Town'. You cannae beat a good train song, in my books.
Sadly Leroy only reached the age of 30 killed by the effects of alcohol after years singing in the clubs. He left behind a rich legacy of music, and was cited by the likes of Ray Charles and Nat King Cole as a major influence.
Mr Lockwood shares a birthday with pianist Leroy Carr, born 10 years earlier in Nashville, Tennessee. Leroy hung out with Scrapper Blackwell and here they are together on 'Memphis Town'. You cannae beat a good train song, in my books.
Sadly Leroy only reached the age of 30 killed by the effects of alcohol after years singing in the clubs. He left behind a rich legacy of music, and was cited by the likes of Ray Charles and Nat King Cole as a major influence.