Francis 'Scrapper' Blackwell was born this day in 1904 in Syracuse, South Carolina. He was part Cherokee and his family moved to Indianapolis where he spent most of his youth. All I can say is what a wonderful guitarist he was. This one's the 'Goin' Where The Monon Crosses The Yellow Dog' which seems to describe a couple of freight lines around the Mississippi River.
This track was recorded in 1961 after Scrapper was rediscovered. Sadly Scrapper died a couple of years later, when he was shot and killed in a mugging in Indianapolis; and of course it was from Scrapper that Kokomo Arnold got the tune for Kokomo Blues, which eventually became Robert Johnson's 'Sweet Home Chicago'.
This track was recorded in 1961 after Scrapper was rediscovered. Sadly Scrapper died a couple of years later, when he was shot and killed in a mugging in Indianapolis; and of course it was from Scrapper that Kokomo Arnold got the tune for Kokomo Blues, which eventually became Robert Johnson's 'Sweet Home Chicago'.