A quick glance around the schedules

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  • Paul Sherratt

    >>>disastrously axed

    But didn't the bbc chiefs say that instead they intended to dramatically broaden the scope of daytime radio shows to include
    the music of the planet's other nations as well as the virtually infinite riches of anglo-american works going back 120 years and a bit ?

    Or was that another of the funny dreams I've been having since the nights drew in ?


    • Globaltruth
      • Nov 2010
      • 4324

      If you have trouble sleeping...

      Recording of the Week: Lullabies

      Janet Topp Fargion, Lead Curator, World and Traditional Music, writes:

      Arthur Henry Fox Strangways Collection. "Lullabies" recorded in India in 1910/11 which demonstrates the reality of the recording medium as the equipment is heard to be wound up mid-song. Another example from the British Library's Historic Ethnographic Recordings collection included this year in UNESCO's Memory of the World International Register.

      'Recording of the Week' highlights gems from the Archival Sound Recordings website, chosen by British Library experts or recommended by listeners.


      • johncorrigan
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 10494

        Brief comment, as it's past my bedtime, about the Fela Kuti programmes on 6. I'm left thinking that it was all a bit flimsy - and there wasn't enough music either. I was particularly unimpressed by them taking about ten minutes to finish the programme - otherwise I was glad it was on.

        The doc they made for radio 4 earlier this year, when the stage show was due to open in Lagos, was a bit more substantial, I thought. But I thought there is a need for a really good programme about Fela and given the Denselow input perhaps it's time that RD was invited to do it. He seems to know as much as anybody else and might get to the heart of the matter and the music.


        • Lateralthinking1

          JC - How is the wallpapering going? Have you got it sorted yet? I'm completely incapable of painting let alone wallpapering. It sent me crackers the last time I tried it - Lat


          • johncorrigan
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 10494

            Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
            JC - How is the wallpapering going? Have you got it sorted yet? I'm completely incapable of painting let alone wallpapering. It sent me crackers the last time I tried it - Lat
            Thanks for asking Lat - the papering is finished and the walls are painted. My daughter wanted a bright red wall to go with the soft colours - phew it's pretty red( I suspect that Kerrang! mag has a home furnishing page). Now we're just avoiding doing the skirting and the doors - or at least I am. I'm no good at any of it but the Glossy paint is something I fear - I don't mind paint you can wash off your hands with water but once you get into the turps territory that's an area of scare - my wife being a painter likes the stuff, so that's a positive.

            How's your tooth getting on these days?
            Last edited by johncorrigan; 30-11-11, 10:30. Reason: watch out there's a moderator about!


            • Lateralthinking1

              Thanks for asking JC. Maybe we should have a separate thread for domestic matters. Paul's drains, GT's neighbour's car - that kind of thing. As a teenager I had three walls of honeydew (in the days that it was something other than a melon) and one papered wall of red and black tartan. I don't know which clan. I used to have a wall chart of them actually - most were red but there was a very green one that I liked and a yellow which I think was MacLeod.

              Generally, white walls run in the family because white makes the rooms look bigger. You can convince yourself that it is nice and Spanish until it suddenly seems clinical to the extent of being like a hospital ward (in the days before the Minister's tape loop). I tried to paint my last shoebox flat white - everything - ceilings, walls, doors - matt and gloss - and I did it about six times in three months after work in the evenings. It was absolute rubbish and I got it on my hands, my hair, everywhere. I'd go into the office exhausted looking like I had spent the night in a blizzard and it got to my head actually. It really did. It felt internally like whiteout or whatever it is called - what I would imagine they experience in the arctic just before going mad.

              Anyway, I hope your daughter is pleased with your good efforts although I'm horrified by her reading material.

              I had root canal work. It is on the lower right side where I lost a back one some years ago and where I also have TMJ so it is all a bit tricky and fraught. I don't think it has worked fully - there are still significant nerve twinges so I just don't know. It is bearable, not excruciating as it was, but I have doubts whether I will keep it in the long run. My dentist was excellent - he is one of my favourite people - he has done his best and kept the cost down.
              Last edited by Guest; 30-11-11, 12:41.


              • johncorrigan
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 10494

                Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
                Anyway, I hope your daughter is pleased with your good efforts although I'm horrified by her reading material.
                It's her listening material that gets me more Lat, but I have to just keep gently nudging her into different areas - she got rather captivated this morning by Tony Allen's Progress from Global's latest and, need I say, very fine effort. So there's hope for the lass - actually she's a to be honest. Hey that's us a year in this place now - any thoughts? Seems like longer strangely. Hope the teeth hold up but be thankful indeed for there's few things better than a dentist you can rely on.


                • Lateralthinking1

                  Good for her. If I was that age now, I'd need three hours of listening to thrashcore and death metal just to get to the newsagent.

                  A year, yes. It all feels very strange. It became the new office to me whereas before it was leisure. It is great but also the place I commute to now that I no longer get the train. When I look back at the diary, I can see that some of my parallel endeavours with the system were overwhelming. Sometimes no one would have known it and at others it has been like a place of counselling, not that I wanted to inflict it. There is a lot to the strange square into which we all type. I feel sometimes that my post-employment identity has almost had a life of its own here. What it is now goodness knows.

                  I worry about veering off topic. I really enjoy the banter but it sometimes seems disrespectful to be tangential. Mainly it is a principle I acknowledge but apply flexibly. I feel bad about myself for how things went all wrong halfway through and wish they hadn't but they did. Life moves on. I quite like the mystery. Voices have never been heard. Faces haven't been seen. You sort of wonder, don't you. With forums there is always that thing about "them" in real life being just as they seem or nothing like it for better or worse. I often feel a need to sharpen what I convey - basically what you read is how it is - but I tend to accept generalities more in others. Sometimes they remind me of other people I know and can seem indistinguishable.

                  It is funny how you can have a view of a place because of a person. My dentist is Irish. Currently Ireland is ace. I doubt that I thought much about the East of Scotland or the Peaks or the Stoke area but now they are just as ace too. They have the character of, well, you know, them. Those characters. It is a good place, the forum. I don't picture people or places internally at all readily but there is no doubting the vibes. They matter more in a lot of ways. Here's to many more of them.
                  Last edited by Guest; 30-11-11, 15:38.


                  • Globaltruth
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 4324

                    non WM aspect to the thread for a bit? by me...

                    WM post production has equalled that of the Siberian tractor factories of late so we deserve an extremely short rest and a treat; as well as a review of the first year.

                    I've enjoyed it overall, and the forum year has flown.
                    I can't imagine life without the forum, and know that there will always be frustrating, inspiring, challenging, amusing and educational posts from a bunch of people who have a common interest in music. All music really. I'm on a few other forums, but this is the one I regard as my home forum.
                    I'm also quite active on Twitter which has turned into a fascinating place - there is so much WM activity on there; I do try and post back on here anything which catches my attention. Like my jackdaw avatar - attracted to bright, shiny things with which to line my nest (it's also there as a homage to Charlie G of who more later and because we have 2 colonies of about 50 jackdaws in each who share this land with us - bullying opportunistic gangsters; for some reason I'm fascinated by them; hopefully an attraction of opposites...)

                    Yes, there have been ups and downs, Peaks and Troughs. We move on regardless [this seems to have a curious and unpleasant Thatcheresque tone to it, apologies]

                    I find it strange how the collective view of r3 WM has changed here, especially over the last few months.

                    You can't help but think that since the sad demise of Charlie G (ok, yes,and AK leaving too) the WM presenters have struggled - although Human Planet was a most welcome interlude and a demonstration of what can be done. Just a shame that it didn't attract more WM fans. Or maybe it did and they went somewhere else.

                    I still am keen to listen to most of the LJ shows, and MAK's show, I try to listen to most World routes.
                    My tolerance for Lopa's show is low.

                    I really haven't found any great alternatives though - apart from the art form that is the Spotify playlist which has become a huge part of my life. Mrs GT has become a fan too, and on occasion we while away the hours trying to guess who posted which track. This passes for fun. Beats rocking silently from side to side as economies tumble and the world goes to hell in a handcart.

                    I recently forced myself to go back and listen to my actual real music collection and have been falling back in love with that too.

                    On a personal level I'm working harder than I want (I'm a freelance so there is a very short line between the amount I work and the amount I get paid), and that's totally due to the economic crisis - but I've just finished the time-constrained intensive piece of work I was doing which I reckon was delayed by about 25% due to the amount of time spent on playlists and this forum. (just been doing some grammar checking for a load of copywriters - it's not who you know, it's whom you know)
                    I'm more than happy with that, even though it cost me - how do you put a price on sanity?

                    So, as ever a HUGE THANKS TO FRENCH FRANK (TOP BIRD) and to all you fellow posters, whether you post once or loads.
                    And never forget there are a lot of guests on this forum who never post, never react but do read the posts.

                    I'm sure they are all quietly applauding...

                    ...in a slightly offbeat way.
                    Last edited by Globaltruth; 01-12-11, 17:12. Reason: editing posts - it's a noble tradition.


                    • Globaltruth
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 4324

                      Ones we missed.

                      Back to the music....

                      maybe we should start a 'gigs we missed' thread.

                      Here's one we just missed: young lookalike Dweezil

                      unless any members can make it to Brighton, and also get tickets.

                      My chum who went to the Barbican had a splendid time - apparently there is a terrific section where FZ appears on a video screen and the rest of the band accompany him live. Dweezil reporttedly an excellent musician in his own right; and it is important that FZ's compositions are kept alive.

                      Who better than DZ?

                      Shame we missed it, shame r3 isn't commemorating the tour, I expect in a few weeks one of the LJ crew will dig out something....
                      Last edited by Globaltruth; 01-12-11, 17:11.


                      • Lateralthinking1

                        Hi GT - Nice posts - I haven't been to a concert since I don't know when. 2009, for a festival I guess, and 2008 indoors. I miss it but I can't face Brixton at night anymore and to go to somewhere like Brighton involves paying out £60 or £70 for a B and B. Did see Stereolab at the Concorde 2 some years ago. Left next to the sea to the sound of waves. Liked it. - Lat.


                        • handsomefortune

                          WM post production has equalled that of the Siberian tractor factories of late so we deserve an extremely short rest and a treat; as well as a review of the first year.

                          it's only december 1st, steady on!

                          since the sad demise of Charlie G

                          yes, missing him lots.

                          I recently forced myself to go back and listen to my actual real music collection and have been falling back in love with that too.

                          'unfaithful' on utube ... (or spotify in your case globaltruth)

                          HUGE THANKS TO FRENCH FRANK (TOP BIRD) and to all you fellow posters, whether you post once or loads.

                          seconded as regards french frank, and thank you globaltruth!


                          • johncorrigan
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 10494

                            Originally posted by handsomefortune View Post
                            WM post production has equalled that of the Siberian tractor factories of late so we deserve an extremely short rest and a treat; as well as a review of the first year.

                            it's only december 1st, steady on!
                            hsf, I think Mr Globaltruth was referring to the closure of the old boards on St Andrews Day last year and so we worldies have set our clocks from that time (BNB 30/11/10 PNB). But I would also like to add my hearty thanks to French Frank for all the support over the last year - Happy New World Board Year to you and yours FF.


                            • Globaltruth
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 4324

                              Thursday 15th Dec

                              Seems a long way away....however that boy Gideon over on r6 from 9-12 is doing a Cap'n Beefheart special viz:

                              Gideon presents Christmas With The Captain, a tribute to Captain Beefheart. As John Peel once said: "If there has ever been such a thing as a genius in the history of popular music, it's Beefheart." A year after Beefheart's passing, Gideon pays a rollicking and raucous three-hour tribute to his maverick gifts, featuring rare concert material, session tracks from the Maida Vale vaults, listener requests and range of artists indebted to Van Vliet.
                              Posted for info and also because I'm hoping nearer the time someone reminds me...
                              Last edited by Globaltruth; 02-12-11, 10:11. Reason: Reason for editing? I forget...


                              • johncorrigan
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 10494

                                Originally posted by Globaltruth View Post
                                Seems a long way away....however that boy Gideon over on r6 from 9-12 is doing a Cap'n Beefheart special viz:

                                Posted for info and also because I'm hoping nearer the time someone reminds me...
                                A Captain Beefheart special viz sounds great Global. The Captain meets the Fat Slags, Captain interviewed by Roger Mellie, Cap plays moothie accompanied by Johnny Fartpants - I think it could be a winner.

                                In the meantime I stuck a 'note to self and G' in my diary and will remind closer to said anniversary.

