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  • Lat-Literal
    • Aug 2015
    • 6983

    Originally posted by johncorrigan View Post
    Originally posted by Globaltruth View Post
    Well, that's bound to get my vote Lat - it does remind that I haven't mentioned the work Natacha Atlas did with Jocelyn Pook in 2012, only recently discovered by me...Desh
    here's an Ave Maria (....surely a few candidate letters there....)
    Now the Rajasthani gypsies are a strong contender and could even be a D for Dhoad. I very much liked the second link which I have never heard before.

    And here's even more excitement if anyone can bear it. I am now officially inviting nominations for W, X, Y and Z. Then we will do a scores on the doors.


    • Pianorak
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 3129

      Originally posted by Lat-Literal View Post
      I am now officially inviting nominations for W, X, Y and Z.
      W for Washington Jr, Grover and Winehouse,Amy - in Mister Magic

      My life, each morning when I dress, is four and twenty hours less. (J Richardson)


      • gurnemanz
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 7472

        My CD collection has three recordings by artists whose first name begins with X. All rather appealing. Happy to share:

        Xenia Belmas does Rimsky-Korakov The Rose and the Nightingale

        The delightful Ximena SariƱana covers Bob Dylan's I Want You

        Xue-Wei Plays Tchaikovsky Violin Comcerto

        PS Just remembered. We went to Wilts Music Centre last night. Recital from Ian Bostridge accompanied by Xuefei Yang on guitar. (X + Y all in one)
        Last edited by gurnemanz; 11-10-15, 22:18. Reason: PS


        • Lat-Literal
          • Aug 2015
          • 6983

          Originally posted by gurnemanz View Post
          My CD collection has three recordings by artists whose first name begins with X. All rather appealing. Happy to share:

          Xenia Belmas does Rimsky-Korakov The Rose and the Nightingale

          The delightful Ximena SariƱana covers Bob Dylan's I Want You

          Xue-Wei Plays Tchaikovsky Violin Comcerto

          PS Just remembered. We went to Wilts Music Centre last night. Recital from Ian Bostridge accompanied by Xuefei Yang on guitar. (X + Y all in one)
          Thanks gurnemanz, I will reply with something sensible tomorrow but I looked at Ximena SariƱana and thought no - Volare - and yes. I kind of like what she does with El Triste. I will also respond to Pianorak at a more civilised hour but my comment will probably amount to "I have a very soft spot for the late Amy Winehouse and regarded her very highly":

          Ximena SariƱana - El Triste - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXTB0W5jHSs

          Oh what the hell, meandering wildly, I had looked forward to hearing how this artist - artist - would have developed into her 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s. The problem was "too talented":

          Amy Winehouse - Tears Dry On Their Own - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojdbDYahiCQ

          (It will last because there is a "classicism", it captures the period so wonderfully, for good and ill, and the long-term comparison will be, he says with a bit of shifting, Holiday)

          (No apologies - I love it and now I'm signing orf - have safe nights before restoring balance)

          Last edited by Lat-Literal; 12-10-15, 10:22.


          • Lat-Literal
            • Aug 2015
            • 6983

            .... Erm, well, maybe not Holiday exactly from the perspective of a Monday morning.

            Good, though, even if we will need a more Worldly W for inclusion in the final list.

            In reference to the above posts, I liked "Mr Magic". There is a very slight nod to "Papa Was a Rolling Stone" in the weave of the AW version. I also liked the Xenia Belmas clip.
            Her voice - and Rimsky is an accessible composer with elements of mystery in his music. I intend to investigate him more. The brief Xue-Wei clip was pleasant and, rightly or wrongly, it brought to my mind gypsies. There is quite an interesting point to be made here. In recent months, I have tried to find classical compositions which are recognised as incorporating gypsy music. What I have found is the ones that are supposed to have done so often don't sound like they do. In contrast, other compositions with no obvious gypsy connection can sound like they have such a connection. I am not sure what to make of that observation but I guess one hears what one hears. Thanks too for the neat XY combo:

            Xuefei Yang - Un Sueno en la Floresta -

            And while on Y, it could be Yue:

            Guo Yue - Dragonfly -

            Last edited by Lat-Literal; 12-10-15, 11:09.


            • Pianorak
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 3129

              Originally posted by Lat-Literal View Post
              In recent months, I have tried to find classical compositions which are recognised as incorporating gypsy music. . .
              Markings such as "Alla zingarese", "Rondo all'ungherese" feature in some of Haydn's chamber music. This is thought to refer not so much to Hungarian folk music as to works performed by professional gypsy musicians employed by Haydn's patrons, the Eszterhazy.
              My life, each morning when I dress, is four and twenty hours less. (J Richardson)


              • Lat-Literal
                • Aug 2015
                • 6983

                Originally posted by Pianorak View Post
                Markings such as "Alla zingarese", "Rondo all'ungherese" feature in some of Haydn's chamber music. This is thought to refer not so much to Hungarian folk music as to works performed by professional gypsy musicians employed by Haydn's patrons, the Eszterhazy.
                Many thanks for this information.

                I investigated Bartok, Kodaly etc - and I am reasonably familiar with Kodaly - but I ended up hearing more gypsy in Conus etc.

                This, no doubt, is somewhat odd.


                • Pianorak
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 3129

                  Not really odd. There is a difference between gypsy and Hungarian folk music. Bartok was perhaps the first to investigate the latter.
                  My life, each morning when I dress, is four and twenty hours less. (J Richardson)


                  • Lat-Literal
                    • Aug 2015
                    • 6983

                    Originally posted by Pianorak View Post
                    Not really odd. There is a difference between gypsy and Hungarian folk music. Bartok was perhaps the first to investigate the latter.

                    A good distinction and the terms in your earlier post will be very helpful to me as a guide. Having declared I am entering into an Indian phase - it will be more as a learner than a teacher - I seem to be in China and Japan. Consequently, I realize we should have included the pipa when discussing "P", how I could have missed the brilliant Joji Hirota when we reviewed "J" heaven only knows and then for "S" there's also Satomi Saeki. Here they are and it is an awful example to set, this, because, we are in W-Z now and that is the focus:

                    Liu Fang - The Ambush - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtrthXXmKgA

                    Joji Hirota- Komori Uti - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mH10nWDcHCw

                    Satomi Saeki - Stream/Flow - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfUAfMbBI1A


                    • Lat-Literal
                      • Aug 2015
                      • 6983

                      ......M is for Mbalax but W is for Wolof:

                      Youssou N'Dour - Birima - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWzbyPhDrJg


                      • Globaltruth
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 4326

                        Originally posted by Lat-Literal View Post
                        ..... W is for Wolof:
                        Well, I strongly believe that W should be for Watersons, not only is English folk music very unrepresented in this A-Z but we went to see Eliza Carthy and the Wayward Band last night, opening night of their tour, life-affirming, and fun (think thats allowed) - breaking down the barriers of folk music, as they have been doing for years. So - vote often, vote Watersons.

                        and, with a traditional English calypso...
                        WATCH: Eliza Carthy - My Music (Film) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfQ9AgmcGs8From "The Wayward Tour Live" available from http://www.gonzomultimedia.co.uk...

                        the new single (!)
                        Eliza Carthy and The Wayward Band - 'You Know Me' (Official Video)Pre-Order at the links below:-http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B014S70I5Mhttps://itunes.apple.com...


                        • Lat-Literal
                          • Aug 2015
                          • 6983

                          Originally posted by Globaltruth View Post
                          Well, I strongly believe that W should be for Watersons, not only is English folk music very unrepresented in this A-Z but we went to see Eliza Carthy and the Wayward Band last night, opening night of their tour, life-affirming, and fun (think thats allowed) - breaking down the barriers of folk music, as they have been doing for years. So - vote often, vote Watersons.

                          and, with a traditional English calypso...
                          WATCH: Eliza Carthy - My Music (Film) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfQ9AgmcGs8From "The Wayward Tour Live" available from http://www.gonzomultimedia.co.uk...

                          the new single (!)
                          Agree - and am pleased you had a great evening GT.

                          I feel she has had to work at it more than people realise. I saw her around the time of acclaimed "Red Rice", enjoyed it a lot but thought the voice was a bit lacking. She was still learning her trade. Then again for "Dreams of Breathing Underwater". My goodness me. She was towering. I loved it. Great fun - especially on the novelty "Oranges and Seasalt":

                          Eliza Carthy - Oranges and Seasalt - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTwSH0zJ7Ls

                          But this is the clip which really underpins her abilities as an entertainer - she has huge amounts of character - and her rarely appreciated bravery at pushing to the boundaries:

                          Eliza Carthy - (Britain is a) Car Park - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPEvgXxPpjA
                          Last edited by Lat-Literal; 14-10-15, 12:11.


                          • Globaltruth
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 4326

                            Originally posted by Lat-Literal View Post
                            Agree - and am pleased you had a great evening GT.

                            I feel she has had to work at it more than people realise. I saw her around the time of acclaimed "Red Rice", enjoyed it a lot but thought the voice was a bit lacking. She was still learning her trade. Then again for "Dreams of Breathing Underwater". My goodness me. She was towering. I loved it. Great fun - especially on the novelty "Oranges and Seasalt":

                            Eliza Carthy - Oranges and Seasalt - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTwSH0zJ7Ls

                            But this is the clip which really underpins her abilities as an entertainer - she has huge amounts of character - and her rarely appreciated bravery at pushing to the boundaries:

                            Eliza Carthy - (Britain is a) Car Park - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPEvgXxPpjA
                            that was the track they closed with Lat, so once again a v. well judged comment from your good self. The bravery is a given, the commitment to experimentation done for the right reasons not purely to differentiate - the music is evolving.
                            Last night's version of B is a CP was a shambolic, tuneful, hilarious, cacophony with a self-indulgent middle 8. Excellent. Unfortunately dancing is not permitted in the Dress Circle, can't have the audience going over the top.
                            Remember that previously she has had vocal and health problems which have specifically affected the voice and breathing - now all fixed it seems. Many of the Wayward Band are great performers in their own right (step forward, at the very least Sam Sweeney - currently with A Cutting in Leveret, honourable mentions to many more of course - Lucy Farrell was having a great time too)

                            Also she is only 1 Waterson(well, a bit /Carthy too) - look at the contributions of Lal/Norma/Mike, the cousin Marry. Seek out the infuential Bright Phoebus, forever tied up in copyright issues due to Mike's stubborness re releasing the master tapes (his music, his call)....bit biased as we have been listening to Watersons in various forms for (ahem) several decades - first time we saw Eliza was when she fell out of a pub with a few others as we were walking past and did an impromptu, inspired and lengthy set on that Whitby street. Wonderful.
                            I feel my case remains strong - there is only one candidate for W....luckily there is no W in Corbyn.


                            • Lat-Literal
                              • Aug 2015
                              • 6983

                              Originally posted by Globaltruth View Post
                              that was the track they closed with Lat, so once again a v. well judged comment from your good self.
                              Last night's version was a shambolic, tuneful, self-indulgent middle 8 cacophony.
                              Remember that previously she has had vocal and health problems which have specifically affected the voice and breathing - now all fixed it seems. Many of the Wayward Band are great performers in their own right (step forward, at the very least Sam Sweeney - currently with A Cutting in Leveret, honourable mentions to many more of course - Lucy Farrell was having a great time too)

                              Also she is only 1 Waterson(well, a bit /Carthy too) - look at the contributions of Lal/Norma/Mike, the cousin Marry. Seek out the infuential Bright Phoebus, forever tied up in copyright issues due to Mike's stubborness re releasing the master tapes (his music, his call)....bit biased as we have been listening to Watersons in various forms for (ahem) several decades - first time we saw Eliza was when she fell out of a pub with a few others as we were walking past and did an impromptu, inspired and lengthy set on that Whitby street. Wonderful.
                              I feel my case remains strong - there is only one candidate for W....luckily there is no W in Corbyn.
                              Oh yes - thank you for your comments and I agree with everything you say. The Watersons from the mid 1960s. I didn't realised Sam Sweeney was in the band but I liked what he did with Hannah James so to speak. Corbyn is a tricky one. I am a balanced radical which means I do left liberal as an ally of left labour - and nothing between - but also managing the latter to its senses. There are also mild conservative and staunch green strands. There is no way any opinion poll person will get it in a million years. Guess it's individuality.*

                              Hannah James and Sam Sweeney - Wee Weaver - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeRRycs_ynA

                              *I could tell you my story of earlier this year when Methodism went against its own raison d'etre by managing itself like a bank - as is the case with all organisation people - and kowtowing wildly to Emily Benn as soon as she decided to conduct an orchestra at the local level. No invite when there was the obvious situation to suggest one as they are all icily up each others' bureaucratic elbows. Far better to recall Tony at his most prophet like in the fields and looking from the skies with a twinkle : "See, I told you it would happen".
                              Last edited by Lat-Literal; 14-10-15, 13:43.


                              • Globaltruth
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 4326

                                I didn't realise he had won Folk Musician of the Year until today, however I had followed the story of the fiddle he plays; sadly I can't find a good link anywhere, here are some
                                initial pieces promoting the show, which was last month and which we completely missed.

