Newly released or newly found global music

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  • Lat-Literal
    • Aug 2015
    • 6983

    Softer edged, commercial and actually rather good:

    Mariza - Mundo : Released 9 October 2015

    After her overwrought previous album, fado singer Mariza adopts a highly appealing new approach

    Mariza - Paixao -

    Primeiro vídeo do novo álbum, "Mundo", editado dia 9 de Outubro.--First video of the new recordo, "Mundo", released on October 9.Spotify: https://open.spotif...


    • Lat-Literal
      • Aug 2015
      • 6983

      Quite a story here:

      Kandia Kouyate - Renascence -


      • johncorrigan
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 10509

        Originally posted by Lat-Literal View Post
        Quite a story here:

        Kandia Kouyate - Renascence -
        Great stuff, Lat...thanks!
        Here she is before the stroke...
        Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world o

        Last edited by johncorrigan; 27-10-15, 17:12.


        • Lat-Literal
          • Aug 2015
          • 6983

          Originally posted by johncorrigan View Post
          Great stuff, Lat...thanks!
          Here she is before the stroke...
          Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

          Thanks JC for the reply - I really appreciate it. Instinct is telling me that "Renascence" is a strong contender for WM album of the year but also that this has been one of the better WM years since 2010. It is a pity that this thread kicked off as late as September. I'd like to welcome a broadening of it out to incorporate all CDs etc of interest released in '15.

          Kandia Kouyate - Sadjougoulé -

          We have pictures with this one and I am reminded of a more rootsy "Yada" by Keita which as you know I like a lot even though it has a western production and is often forgotten. What I find really interesting is there is a comparison with a defiant and uncompromising Nina Simone in the voice and attitude which is all the more pertinent given the back story as explained. When I first played it, I thought "can't make up my mind" but it has taken just two runs through to be convinced it is a true classic. I will play it several times today!!!

          (Take 3 : I'm loving it now...what's RD talking about?....without question, that's a 5 out of 5, not a 4, and I'm going to take some convincing it shouldn't have the ultimate prize )

          (Tell you what, JC, float it via the aural prism of flamenco voices - it makes a strange but compelling sense in that way too - non-commercial yet not not commercial - it's wild! )


          There's no "Yada" now on YT but for some reason it has suddenly got me wanting to listen to Keita - this is pretty obvious and don't it sound tame by comparison?; lovely though:

          Salif Keita - Moussolou -

          (Not at all against Traore and Sangare but never wholly accepted the hype and the one above is the real deal - I'm calming down now with a ready meal from Marks and Spencers)
          Last edited by Lat-Literal; 27-10-15, 19:09.


          • johncorrigan
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 10509

            Interesting - I thought female Salif, Lat and went looking for this one again. I love this. I don't know if I was dreaming but at one time I'm convinced it was on TV as the background to a lager commercial up here. (sorry not recently released)

            Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group InternationalSouareba · Salif KeitaSoro℗ 1987 Island Records, a division of Universal Music Operations LimitedRe...

            Yep for McEwan's Lager...short lived, unlike the song!
            Last edited by johncorrigan; 27-10-15, 19:27. Reason: McEwan's lager wasn't the best buy, the best buy in beer!


            • Lat-Literal
              • Aug 2015
              • 6983

              Originally posted by johncorrigan View Post
              Interesting - I thought female Salif, Lat and went looking for this one again. I love this. I don't know if I was dreaming but at one time I'm convinced it was on TV as the background to a lager commercial up here. (sorry not recently released)

              Yep for McEwan's Lager...short lived, unlike the song!

              Love that song and the KK links have led to a rather gushing bout of renewed enthusiasm. You are to "blame". You got me listening to it for a second time and I just knew. I sensed it and that's enough to convince me. I don't mind that is my general starting point. Have you ever seen SK live? I never have and would love to. We will need him in on the next A-Z for S or K. Thought you and others might like to see the following written by Dr Lucy. I have only scanned it. It looks such an interesting/informative piece I may read it in full.

              (Actually, McEwans? - Please tolerate this but I can hear an "allusion to bagpipes" in that particular Keita track, genuinely, and I find that interesting. It makes sense. Thanks! )

              And also, I meet Rokia Traore and Oumou Sangare on the angle of womens' rights. It is that "what does it for me" and the music, which initially seemed a little soulless, did come afterwards. Obviously it is ridiculous to separate out the two but they arrived with commercial push and an apparent keenness among many. That obscured the essence. It's nice to have the space to consider. I like them both and have a special liking of "Zen". To be frank, the Senegalese Baobab revival is best appreciated some years after the fervour too:

              Rokia Traore - Zen -

              Hype is not always bad. Our esteemed host may agree a great example is Tinariwen. I doubt very much if without it we would have had such an opportunity to hear desert blues, notwithstanding AFT! I still think this is the massive track by Tinariwen but there are a lot of very good ones. Now, I guess, it would be more interesting to dig out some things by Terakaft/Etran Finatawa/Toumast on a more appropriate thread as we (I) must try to get on topic. Love it though and felt that it might be quite nice to be reminded of it tonight:

              Tinariwen - Matadjem Yinmixan -
              Last edited by Lat-Literal; 27-10-15, 21:24.


              • johncorrigan
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 10509

                Originally posted by Lat-Literal View Post

                (Actually, McEwans? - Please tolerate this but I can hear an "allusion to bagpipes" in that particular Keita track, genuinely, and I find that interesting. It makes sense. Thanks! )
                I can find links that the ad existed, Lat, but can't find a copy anywhere. I'm sure the whole thing took place in an Icelandic hot springs swimming pool with Salif singing away in the background. Interesting allusion to the pipes there too that you made. See what you mean!


                • Lat-Literal
                  • Aug 2015
                  • 6983

                  Originally posted by johncorrigan View Post
                  I can find links that the ad existed, Lat, but can't find a copy anywhere. I'm sure the whole thing took place in an Icelandic hot springs swimming pool with Salif singing away in the background. Interesting allusion to the pipes there too that you made. See what you mean!

                  You might recoil more than a tad but I think you are inadvertently encouraging a Keita/Bjork collaboration? To be frank, I am not averse to the one Icelander who isn't either Jon Leifs or Jonsi Bergisson and both of those, in my humble opinion, are somewhat good. In fact, I saw her "perform" with Toumani Diabate in a moment that could only be described as quite beautiful. Honestly. We have thought long and hard before deciding what to choose to minimise the numbers of people switching off and have opted for these two. Then, we promise, there will be no more of this nonsense, that is, unless we as a team can't name a dozen Icelandic world music people tomorrow. It would be shameful if we couldn't!:

                  That Woman from Iceland:

                  Joga (and no Sugarcubes)-
                  plus....All Is Full of Love -


                  Lord knows who these people might be but it's rather pleasant:

                  Loituma - Kun Mun Kultani Tulisi -

                  As for the benign but stark challenge in the introductory chapter, I feel we should work on it as Iceland is a bit mysterious!

                  (Oh blimey, just realised it's Finnish, proves my point)
                  Last edited by Lat-Literal; 27-10-15, 23:04.


                  • Lat-Literal
                    • Aug 2015
                    • 6983

                    Anyhow, I think you might like this extraordinary one. I do! It's from Guinea. In view of our latest etc, it has some resonances:

                    Sory Kandia Kouyaté - Souaressi -

                    Background -

                    He once sang with the brilliant Paul Robeson so that Nina Simone thing I did earlier for KK doesn't seem quite so silly after all!

                    nb I'm just wondering how life would have been different if this had been in "The Perfumed Garden" or "Night Ride" on BBC Radio 1.
                    It is from my favourite year in music - 1970 - and even Peel took his time which is a shame! I will shut up now - but it is a thought!
                    Last edited by Lat-Literal; 29-10-15, 15:44.


                    • Lat-Literal
                      • Aug 2015
                      • 6983

                      Oh my goodness me, do you know this? Does GT know this? It is incredible:


                      I think i've got a Guinea thing coming on. This from 1967 circa 7 minutes in:

                      Well, that was probably where Tyrannosuarus Rex found Deborah for a start!

                      Last edited by Lat-Literal; 29-10-15, 15:43.


                      • Globaltruth
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 4326

                        Originally posted by Lat-Literal View Post
                        that is, unless we as a team can't name a dozen Icelandic world music people tomorrow. It would be shameful if we couldn't!:

                        That Woman from Iceland:

                        Joga (and no Sugarcubes)-
                        plus....All Is Full of Love -


                        ..... Iceland is a bit mysterious!
                        Chris Watson - Iceland
                        The 10,000 year climatic journey of ice formed deep within this Icelandic glacier and it's lingering flow into the Norwegian Sea.
                        Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                        talking about the approach/technique/positive editing...

                        Here's one for you JC...


                        • Lat-Literal
                          • Aug 2015
                          • 6983

                          Originally posted by Globaltruth View Post
                          Chris Watson - Iceland

                          Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                          talking about the approach/technique/positive editing...

                          Here's one for you JC...
                          Fascinating and it resonates!

                          It isn't just the noise of society on which there is an objective view when standing back from it but the speed. Those caught up in the routines appear to have been required to wear a madness. 6.14 am. I listen to one twitter in the old fashioned sense of the word and he is right because then more twitters are immediately heard with no legal implications. Up on the distant hill metal rattles along seemingly blase about the prospect of committing mass murder but it isn't its fault when egg mcmuffin needs to be purchased before arriving.

                          While I never stood in a field with his equipment, I was professionally close to people who were. Towards the end of my employment, I arranged meetings for technical bods to discuss their findings on aircraft noise. They had long figured there that what they wouldn't give in pay had to be compensated for in some way on the "individual" employee's level. Hence the permission to romp by taxi-cart beside Rutland Water in the style of John Noakes speaking to osprey people who live with pairs of binoculars in corrugated iron sheds.

                          Then, of course, there was that bird strike matter in which a crazy though cleverly "nothing to do with us" selection of a junior chair led to foggy morning marshland walks with other wildlife experts - usually women - in the land of Dickens. The answer is to permanently install a carousel of corgis as they do in the Far East but it isn't easy plus there is the problem fellow, Richard Montgomery. Anyhow, I enjoyed it, GT, and haven't we a Chris Watson on this very forum? But maybe he is the one who was once in Cabaret Voltaire?
                          Last edited by Lat-Literal; 28-10-15, 19:07.


                          • johncorrigan
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 10509

                            Originally posted by Globaltruth View Post
                            Thanks Global....loved it!
                            And sorry for going off-topic (how unusual ) but talking of sound and the outdoors, I chanced on this from R4 yesterday afternoon on the 'Shortcuts' programme called 'Copycats'. It's a piece by German Wildlife cameraman Rolf Steinman talking about filming wolves in Alaska, I think. Brilliant piece of radio. It starts about 4 minutes in (after Tom Robinson) and lasts about 10 minutes.


                            • Lat-Literal
                              • Aug 2015
                              • 6983

                              Originally posted by johncorrigan View Post
                              Thanks Global....loved it!
                              And sorry for going off-topic (how unusual ) but talking of sound and the outdoors, I chanced on this from R4 yesterday afternoon on the 'Shortcuts' programme called 'Copycats'. It's a piece by German Wildlife cameraman Rolf Steinman talking about filming wolves in Alaska, I think. Brilliant piece of radio. It starts about 4 minutes in (after Tom Robinson) and lasts about 10 minutes.
                              Tut-tut! You really shouldn't go off topic JC.

                              Buy yourself three hyacinth bulbs as I did today - it makes one hell of a difference!

                              Tiken Jah Fakoly featuring, wow, Ken Boothe - Is It Because I Am Black?:

                              Also featuring U Roy and Max Romeo - I told you it's been a blimmin' good WM year!

                              The original - and not the David Gates -

                              And here's the one with U Roy who sounded good but a bit washed out with his last solo one:
                              This works - it breathes new life into the Marley classic and it has all of the U Roy hallmarks!

                              Get Up Stand Up -

                              (If anyone has posted this before, apologies, but one can't keep up with everything, can one)
                              Last edited by Lat-Literal; 29-10-15, 15:46.


                              • johncorrigan
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 10509

                                I posted this one a couple of weeks back from Tiken, doing Burning Spear's 'Slavery Days' with a distinct Malian feel, Lat - up there with the original and that is saying something.

                                ...but perhaps you might prefer a recent dawd of Mariachi courtesy of Mariachi Los Camperos de Nati Cano, Lat...whew! Delicious!
                                Provided to YouTube by YouTube CSV2DDEXEl súchil – The Marigold · Mariachi Los Camperos de Nati CanoTradición, Arte y Pasión℗ Smithsonian Folkways Recordings...

