Beeb2 Scotland started a new prog this evening with the highly original title The World Accordion to Phil ( I wonder who thought that one up) with Aly Bain's mate Phil Cunningham - there are a few clips available ( it's not on LA yet) - I really liked this one.
Dr Feng Hai-Yun Plays The Sheng
John, Interesting and particularly in the light of the recent Celtic Connections. BBC Scotland has a lot of good musical coverage.
A serious question for the broadcasting experts - what are the options for receiving BBC Scotland programmes in England? - Lat.
Paul Sherratt
>>what are the options for receiving BBC Scotland programmes
Sky's the limit ..
Or relocation, relocation
I really like that one. Excellent. The I-Player news is very good. I don't do Sky.
If I get to 60, it is Scotland or Wales for me anyway - I don't think they will be sticking the elderly in compounds - unless the South West of England declares independence in which case the I-Player will suffice.
That's it up on the i-player for those interested. I find from some of Phil's previous programmes that he is a very genial host. Don't expect lots of info - he's very much 'Hail Fellow, well met' as we'd say up here.....and maybe other places too.