What an intriguing piece (from 1981, but receiving only its second performance tonight) by Payne, an extended, gorgeously scored meditation upon the Delian ethos; and a darker, mysterious paraphrase on the radiant, sometimes exultant, Summer Garden itself - beautiful, with more sombre surfaces, and as many shadowy secrets as evocative vistas emerging briefly into view, then fading slowly away.
I felt drawn in and didn't really want to leave so soon…
Payne said this was his acknowledgment of, and detachment from, his absorption of the Delius soundworld. So perhaps “Wake” could also be read as elegiac..
Do try to hear it again alongside, perhaps just after, the Delius work…a very rewarding listen indeed. Like walking through the same landscape in different weathers.
composer's note -
I felt drawn in and didn't really want to leave so soon…
Payne said this was his acknowledgment of, and detachment from, his absorption of the Delius soundworld. So perhaps “Wake” could also be read as elegiac..
Do try to hear it again alongside, perhaps just after, the Delius work…a very rewarding listen indeed. Like walking through the same landscape in different weathers.
composer's note -