22:15 Wednesday 4 September 2019
Royal Albert Hall
Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino
Justin Adams guitar
Ballaké Sissoko kora
Inspired by the ancient ritual of pizzica tarantata, the frenzied trance-like dance said to purge the bite of the tarantula spider, Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino’s shows are an explosion of life that summons up the wildness behind the classical tarantella.
The Italian band creates a spectacle full of dance, passion, rhythm and mystery – as they say, ‘We still have our own demons to exorcise today’. They renew their traditions by inviting musicians to join them at their home in southern Italy, and two of those guests join them onstage – Robert Plant’s guitarist Justin Adams and legendary kora player Ballaké Sissoko.
Royal Albert Hall
Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino
Justin Adams guitar
Ballaké Sissoko kora
Inspired by the ancient ritual of pizzica tarantata, the frenzied trance-like dance said to purge the bite of the tarantula spider, Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino’s shows are an explosion of life that summons up the wildness behind the classical tarantella.
The Italian band creates a spectacle full of dance, passion, rhythm and mystery – as they say, ‘We still have our own demons to exorcise today’. They renew their traditions by inviting musicians to join them at their home in southern Italy, and two of those guests join them onstage – Robert Plant’s guitarist Justin Adams and legendary kora player Ballaké Sissoko.