Prom 71: Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique perform Berlioz – 5.09.18

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  • Darkbloom
    Full Member
    • Feb 2015
    • 708

    Not sure if this was mentioned on the radio, but the viola soloist acted the part as well as played it. Moving around the orchestra, interacting with the players. The orchestra stood for the Brigand's Orgy (as they did for the Corsair). Cleopatra is a fabulous piece once it settles down a bit and it feels less like recitative. The only blot on a terrific evening was the Dido piece - an odd piece of programming that didn't really work when pulled out of context.

    JEG is such a familiar figure that I almost take him for granted, but the response he was getting from his orchestra was incredible. Hard to imagine a better Harold than that one.


    • jayne lee wilson
      • Jul 2011
      • 10711

      Yes, stunning Harold en Italie.... all the qualities I described above -
      Lean, crisp, open-air textures, rhythm and phrasing turning on a sixpence, the dynamically explosive, razor-sharp brilliance of the brass... yes, it's the ORR/JEG with their revitalised Berlioz....

      ....​in even richer abundance, and wonderfully vivid, spacious, relayed sound.

      But like dear Alistair Cooke, I feel I've "nothing left in the tank" for further comments on the Proms near the end of a
      wonderful season...
      And just the War Requiem left, of any real significance for me....
      I'll be with the Last Night, if only to say goodbye. But I feel sad at the season's passing, both Proms and Summer.


      • Petrushka
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 12424

        Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View Post
        I'll be with the Last Night, if only to say goodbye. But I feel sad at the season's passing, both Proms and Summer.
        A familiar feeling here, too, at the end of every season. Your comments and reviews have been an integral part of the pleasures provided by this Proms season for which many thanks.
        "The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink


        • BBMmk2
          Late Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 20908

          Rather a clever encore!
          Don’t cry for me
          I go where music was born

          J S Bach 1685-1750


          • Hornspieler
            Late Member
            • Sep 2012
            • 1847

            For me, this was the outstanding . Prom of the season (So far, of course)

            I cannot sing its praises too highly and I can see nothing in the remaining concerts to alter that opinion

            Well done, JEG and friends



            • Eine Alpensinfonie
              • Nov 2010
              • 20585

              Originally posted by Petrushka View Post
              A familiar feeling here, too, at the end of every season. Your comments and reviews have been an integral part of the pleasures provided by this Proms season for which many thanks.


              • BBMmk2
                Late Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 20908

                A most hearty thank you JLW from me too!
                Don’t cry for me
                I go where music was born

                J S Bach 1685-1750


                • edashtav
                  Full Member
                  • Jul 2012
                  • 3680

                  Originally posted by BBMmk2 View Post
                  A most hearty thank you JLW from me too!
                  And I’ll add my trumpet to this JWL fan—Fair!


                  • Darkbloom
                    Full Member
                    • Feb 2015
                    • 708

                    It was good to see so many members of the orchestra enjoying themselves as much as the audience. JEG has rather a flair for using the spaces of the RAH for added theatrical effect, as we saw when he did Orfeo a few years ago. Tamestit's histrionics wouldn't have worked anywhere else but were just right for the Proms. And the applause at the end of the first movement of Harold was a spontaneous show off appreciation, rather than the awkward trickle that many people find annoying. It's been a long time since I enjoyed a concert so. much.


                    • Eine Alpensinfonie
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 20585

                      Originally posted by Darkbloom View Post
                      And the applause at the end of the first movement of Harold was a spontaneous show off appreciation, rather than the awkward trickle that many people find annoying.
                      That made it even more annoying - it just means the copycat effect has increased.


                      • Darkbloom
                        Full Member
                        • Feb 2015
                        • 708

                        Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View Post
                        That made it even more annoying - it just means the copycat effect has increased.
                        Perhaps you had to be there. JEG certainly didn't mind it. When we really hear something special isn't it better to acknowledge it rather than maintain a constipated silence? The whole evening (well, considering it included two death scenes) was good-humoured throughout and the applause reflected that.


                        • edashtav
                          Full Member
                          • Jul 2012
                          • 3680

                          Originally posted by Darkbloom View Post
                          Perhaps you had to be there. JEG certainly didn't mind it. When we really hear something special isn't it better to acknowledge it rather than maintain a constipated silence? The whole evening (well, considering it included two death scenes) was good-humoured throughout and the applause reflected that.

                          Let’s hear from Pierre Boulez who, in 1964, said this about applause during the programme “Pour le Plaisir”:

                          “ Dans les concerts nous avons une coutume qui est celle d’applaudir les artistes. Il m’est arrivé d’écrire que les gens applaudissent non pas l’artiste, mais eux-mêmes. Ils s’applaudissent de faire partie d’une certaine classe musicale et ils s’applaudissent de voir cette classe musicale refléter dans l’artiste qui est devant eux.”

                          Which, roughly translated, with a little help from my wife, Anne, becomes:

                          “We have a tradition during concerts which is to applaud the artists. It has occurred to me to write that people don’t applaud the artist but themselves. They applaud to be part of a musical exclusivity and they applaud themselves to see this musical exclusivity reflected in the artist in front of them.”

                          To add a note on intra as opposed to inter movement clapping...was it not the case that Mozart wrote bravura passages with the intention of eliciting immediate applause within which some cognoscenti would shout “Da Capo”, the signal for WAM to smile and play it again? I’m awaiting the return of such a HIPP moment!
                          Last edited by edashtav; 06-09-18, 14:00. Reason: Clarification


                          • Constantbee
                            Full Member
                            • Jul 2017
                            • 504

                            Looked forward to this Prom for ages and was not disappointed. Joyce D sounded as convincing as any staged performer might do. Antoine T moving around the orchestra was a modest coup de theatre although I thought he was slightly overshadowed by the orchestra in places, but maybe I wasn't concentrating. Thoroughly enjoyed his version of the Schubert Arpeggione Sonata earlier on Wednesday during the New Generation Artists slot. It's a staple of the viola repertoire but maybe more familiar in the transcription for cello. Recordings exist for both. The only person I've heard pronounce Antoine's surname correctly so far on air has been Sean Rafferty. Surely it should be Tamestit to rhyme with écrit, rather than Tamestite shouldn't it?
                            And the tune ends too soon for us all


                            • Richard J.
                              Full Member
                              • Jan 2011
                              • 55

                              One point that no-one has commented on so far is that we only got the first part of Dido's death scene. The libretto in the concert programme included Dido climbing the steps of the pyre, her prediction of the conquering Hannibal, and stabbing herself with Aeneas' sword, which Donald Macleod faithfully summarised at the end of the item, but which we had not heard. All we had was the opening recitative and the Air Adieu, fière cité.

                              My companion in the hall, who was following the libretto, said that we appeared to have lost the second half of the scene, and I've just confirmed that from the iPlayer. Curious. Darkbloom commented earlier that it was "an odd piece of programming that didn't really work when pulled out of context". I agree, but I think that was because we only had part of the scene.

                              Apart from that, I thought it was a tremendous concert.


                              • BBMmk2
                                Late Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 20908

                                This was an extraordinary Prom. Why do most conductors only perform the ubiquitous SF? The mind boggles. There's another work that should be performed and that is his Symphonie Funebre et Triomphale. I have arranged this for modern concert band.
                                Don’t cry for me
                                I go where music was born

                                J S Bach 1685-1750

