I've recently updated the listings (now at version 2) and will do so again shortly before the first night and then periodically during the season.
There are bookmarkable links in the main forum sidebar, but I'll repeat them here:
Online listing: http://www.radio-lists.org.uk/proms/2018/
2-column pdf: http://www.radio-lists.org.uk/proms/2018/proms2col.php
3-column pdf: http://www.radio-lists.org.uk/proms/2018/proms3col.php
I've now added indexes of works and performers at the end of the online version. They are accessible via the 'Jump to Prom & Index' tab / button, or by navigating towards the bottom of the page or here / here.
(Unfortunately the indexes are based on first names - it would be too tricky to try to index on surnames - e.g. 'Charles Villiers Stanford' and 'Ralph Vaughan Williams' would need indexing on the third and second words respectively.)
There are bookmarkable links in the main forum sidebar, but I'll repeat them here:
Online listing: http://www.radio-lists.org.uk/proms/2018/
2-column pdf: http://www.radio-lists.org.uk/proms/2018/proms2col.php
3-column pdf: http://www.radio-lists.org.uk/proms/2018/proms3col.php
I've now added indexes of works and performers at the end of the online version. They are accessible via the 'Jump to Prom & Index' tab / button, or by navigating towards the bottom of the page or here / here.
(Unfortunately the indexes are based on first names - it would be too tricky to try to index on surnames - e.g. 'Charles Villiers Stanford' and 'Ralph Vaughan Williams' would need indexing on the third and second words respectively.)