Dipped in a couple of times, and out again rapidly. Stemme unlistenable-to. Park intrusions cringe-worthy.
Oh there was a good Finlandia earlier on, good to hear the choral version.
And it's all bringing out toe-curling torrents of gush from the BBC's online minions e.g. book of Face Radio 3 page: "And, while we're on the subject, isn't the BBC Proms really just the most truly amazing thing in the whole world?"

Oh there was a good Finlandia earlier on, good to hear the choral version.
And it's all bringing out toe-curling torrents of gush from the BBC's online minions e.g. book of Face Radio 3 page: "And, while we're on the subject, isn't the BBC Proms really just the most truly amazing thing in the whole world?"
