Prom 74 - 8.09.17: Vienna Philharmonic – Brahms, Mozart and Beethoven

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  • Darkbloom
    Full Member
    • Feb 2015
    • 710

    Originally posted by PhilipT View Post
    I can't connect with this view, and I am left wondering whether we were at the same concert. Yes, the Mozart was uninspired. Ax's encore was pleasant enough - I did not know it was Schubert until I started reading here - but not much more. I liked the Brahms, and was stunned by the musicianship of the orchestra during the Beethoven. I'm with EA - this is how it should be played. I thought I knew the piece well but the details of how each instrument contributes to the whole came across in a way I've not experienced before.

    I missed the Delius, having been posted to hold a bucket at Door 9 (where one of my donors was a woman I first met when we both undergraduates - ouch!).
    I'll have to go back to the Beethoven but the first half soured me a bit and I probably wasn't as receptive as I could have been. The problem for me ( and, I would guess, many people who found it underwhelming) is that when you have heard really searching performances of the Seventh under, for instance, Furtwangler, perfectly good ones can sound comparatively four-square and unimaginative.

