"As Europe’s first majority-BME orchestra, the Chineke! Orchestra performs a mixture of standard orchestral repertoire "
Thought I'd heard Chi Chi-N say its not exclusively BME.
Surely what is needed is opportunity at age, say 7 years and upward for all children, disadvantaged and not, of all ethnicity, to learn and have an equal chance to reach excellence playing an instrument? But that's not going to happen in England. For nearly all children it will not happen. Except those with with supportive and determined parents or similarly exceptional teachers (and exceptional schools enabling them) the pool of excellent players from whom orchestral and solo musicians rise will consist of a lesser proportion of ethnic minority (and, I suggest otherwise disadvantaged persons) than the majority white population.
I'm not sure the wrong being done to ethnic minority children in their opportunity to become players is any different to the wrong done to disadvantaged white children ( El sistema anyone?).
Is it inferred there are lots of ethnic minority players of the same standard as others beating on the doors of UK orchestras and being of equal standard, discriminated against in not getting the job? Do any of the orchestras undertake completely unseen auditions? (BBC orchestras in particular) .
I'm sure this topic could run and run such is the complexity,, not to mention the high emotions/politics involved.
(Quite apart from forum members (is it plural?) taking up cudgels with their long held antipathies to other members - the aggression in the language used is tedious in the extreme).