Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte
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Prom 50 - 21.08.17: Beethoven, Stravinsky and Gerald Barry
Originally posted by Alison View Post
Anyone care to address Tony's point about missing bars?
A further point. There are 2 Mirgas -- one balletic, batonless, & score-less, practically levitating on the podium -- the other version, which we witnessed in the Stravinsky & in Abrahamsen's "Let Me Tell You" at the RAH last year, is a rhythmically-solid, formidably-focussed, stick-wielding technician. I admire both of them.
Oh, & the Barry "Canada" -- Anyone else tired of ironic, unamusing berserking & jesting ? I’m put in mind of Captain Spaulding’s estimation of Chico's character Ravelli in Animal Crackers -- “Ravelli may look like an idiot & talk like an idiot, but don’t let that fool you — he really IS an idiot”
A bizarre & nonsensical commission ostensibly celebrating 150 years of Canadian independence. Presumably Canadian composers weren't considered ? Also an astonishing waste of the wonderful Allan Clayton’s time…
Originally posted by Maclintick View PostYes, I think Mirga's truncation of these bars was mistaken & puzzling)
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]
This is the performance from M G-T and the CBSO I want to hear again and again at the moment. Karajan can be consigned to his box with an occasional outing to remind me how things used to be in the '60's. This LVB5 sounded fresh and excitingly new as the day it was first performed. Having watched M G-T I thought every move meant something to the players; no wasted gesture; nothing routine. The suggestion that the CBSO played well despite the conductor and speeded up to get back to Birmingham faster is insulting. After all they chose her and what a superb choice as well. Good luck to them.
Originally posted by Darkbloom View PostI'll have to go and listen again to the Beethoven after all this discussion. I enjoyed it at the time but I think the criticisms are pretty valid. With standard rep perhaps there's a tendency to over-value self-consciously eye-catching performances simply because they offer something different.