Andrew S and Simon B..much appreciated thanks. Now why can't the numpties who 'design' (can it be said to be a design when it is so excruciatingly bad?) at the BBC get it right ? They produce this lousy website year in and year out. But too arrogant to listen to any criticism.
To reply to a question by team saint that I recall reading last train home where I used to live is 8.20pm. Just about time to see the conductor lift his baton for the first item before having to leave to get to the station. Having moved, the last train out is now a much more respectable 10pm but since the train journey is then many hours plus an hours drive home at the other end, I think I will pass.
To reply to a question by team saint that I recall reading last train home where I used to live is 8.20pm. Just about time to see the conductor lift his baton for the first item before having to leave to get to the station. Having moved, the last train out is now a much more respectable 10pm but since the train journey is then many hours plus an hours drive home at the other end, I think I will pass.