Enjoyable reports and photos Beef, thanks..... do stick with Shadows of Time, I'd go for the Seattle SO/Morlot (or Salonen's own G-Award winner of course). Give it a few shadows of your own time, you'll be well rewarded. You know the Dutilleux 2nd Symphony? Try that alongside the Shadows of Time... then consider that it was composed nearly 40 years earlier...
Correspondances, indeed...
"Truly, though our element is time,
We're not suited to the long perspectives
Open at each instant of our lives.
They link us to our losses: worse,
They show us what we have as it once was,
Blindingly undiminished, just as though
By acting differently we could have kept it so."
(Philip Larkin, "Reference Back")
Correspondances, indeed...
"Truly, though our element is time,
We're not suited to the long perspectives
Open at each instant of our lives.
They link us to our losses: worse,
They show us what we have as it once was,
Blindingly undiminished, just as though
By acting differently we could have kept it so."
(Philip Larkin, "Reference Back")