Originally posted by PhilipT
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Have you contacted the BBC/RAH/Proms organisation? It would be interesting to know how they actually decide on the printed timings. Do they get the office gopher to pick a CD at random and then work out timings based on that? Or do they speak to the conductor? Given the huge task of putting on the vast number of Proms concerts under considerable time pressure, I imagine that there is probably little input from the artists concerned. In most cases, it seems that a built in safety factor is budgeted. "OK, it's Bruckner 8; better allow 85 minutes". Most of the time this will be satisfactory. 3-5 minutes overrun will rarely be crucial. However, in the case of gargantuan works, such as Parisfal, a 10% differential in timing can make a difference of 30-40 minutes in performance. This year's Wagner-fest at the Proms has been unique. I expect what's happened here is an oversight which would be rectified in subsequent years, by discussion with the conductor. Maybe we need a few test cases of unhappy punters suing the RAH for unscheduled hotel stays, or taxi fares.