Prom 56 = 24.08.13: Gustav Mahler Jugendorchester

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  • VodkaDilc

    Thanks, Caliban. I looked in vain for a review in The Guardian. Its reviews of the Proms have been more sparse than usual - I suppose they were online, but, to me, that doesn't count! Both these reviews were a bit superficial, weren't they? I wonder what the greats of the past, like Cardus or Sadie, would have made of them.


    • edashtav
      Full Member
      • Jul 2012
      • 3680

      Originally posted by VodkaDilc View Post
      Thanks, Caliban. I looked in vain for a review in The Guardian. Its reviews of the Proms have been more sparse than usual - I suppose they were online, but, to me, that doesn't count! Both these reviews were a bit superficial, weren't they? I wonder what the greats of the past, like Cardus or Sadie, would have made of them.
      ... but... both these reviews were, in the main, positive ones, whereas I, for one in post#30 was very disappointed. It'll be interesting to note the tone of the reaction on-line to the TV repeat.


      • VodkaDilc

        Originally posted by edashtav View Post
        ... but... both these reviews were, in the main, positive ones, whereas I, for one in post#30 was very disappointed. It'll be interesting to note the tone of the reaction on-line to the TV repeat.
        I just hope that the presentation does not ruin it. It's sad that we can no longer have faith in the BBC's ability to relay a concert without distractions. It was a most enjoyable concert in the hall; I will be interested to see the somewhat flamboyant conductor and soloist at close quarters (including the pianist's Westwood creations.)


        • Nick Armstrong
          • Nov 2010
          • 26628

          Originally posted by Caliban View Post

          Well the Ravel performances were the unforgettable highlights, for me. The piano concerto is one of those pieces that's been close to my heart for nearly 40 years, and the performance was an utter delight. It was just about as good as it gets, I think - stunning piano playing, admirable balance with the orchestra, instrumental solos perfect from start to finish. Just magic. And the duet encore, another of my 'desert island' pieces, was an enthralling bonus.

          ... the Ravel was in a different league. Perfection.
          Having watched the TV recording, I wouldn't resile from one word of the above. I don't expect ever to hear a better performance than that.
          "...the isle is full of noises,
          Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
          Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
          Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


          • edashtav
            Full Member
            • Jul 2012
            • 3680

            Originally posted by Caliban View Post
            Having watched the TV recording, I wouldn't resile from one word of the above. I don't expect ever to hear a better performance than that.
            Oh dear, I've been listening to Radio 3!


            • VodkaDilc

              Originally posted by Caliban View Post
              Having watched the TV recording, I wouldn't resile from one word of the above. I don't expect ever to hear a better performance than that.
              Agreed! I wonder why they (clumsily) cut out J-YT's words of introduction to the encore. If the microphones didn't pick his voice up clearly, so what? It wasn't clear in the hall either. I thought the sound balance was better than in the R3 version. Altogether it was an excellent reminder of an enjoyable evening last week.

              Interesting to notice that the announcer did not even attempt to pronounce Jugendorchester. Presumably television audiences would be put off by foreign words, so it was translated into English each time she needed to say it.


              • Sir Velo
                Full Member
                • Oct 2012
                • 3306

                Having watched the Prom tonight on BBC4, one is driven to ask whether the orchestra should not be renamed the Gustav Mahler Jugend und Alten Orchester. Certainly, members of the percussion section (including one notable William Hague lookalike) and the wind did a passable impression of not being exactly in the first flush of youth, with many a Bobby Charlton comb-over in evidence. Are there age restrictions, or do they use "emeritus" performers to compensate for a lack of current talent in crucial positions?


                • VodkaDilc

                  Originally posted by Sir Velo View Post
                  Having watched the Prom tonight on BBC4, one is driven to ask whether the orchestra should not be renamed the Gustav Mahler Jugend und Alten Orchester. Certainly, members of the percussion section (including one notable William Hague lookalike) and the wind did a passable impression of not being exactly in the first flush of youth, with many a Bobby Charlton comb-over in evidence. Are there age restrictions, or do they use "emeritus" performers to compensate for a lack of current talent in crucial positions?
                  I think they were all under 26. One or two of the gents could have been approaching that limit, I suppose. I am sure that real Germans would put Sir Velo's suggested name into one splendidly long word - Jugendundaltenorchester, perhaps.


                  • Anna

                    For anyone who missed it first time around on R3 or the later tv broadcast, this Prom is repeated today at 2.00pm.
                    (I have to say that I enjoyed it immensely although opinions here are certainly divided!)


                    • Nick Armstrong
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 26628

                      Originally posted by Anna View Post
                      For anyone who missed it first time around on R3 or the later tv broadcast, this Prom is repeated today at 2.00pm.
                      (I have to say that I enjoyed it immensely although opinions here are certainly divided!)
                      Thanks for the reminder, Anna! Very interested to hear a third 'version' of the Ravel (following the live and TV experiences) given my own undivided view of its brilliance as a performance!
                      "...the isle is full of noises,
                      Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                      Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                      Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."

