Monday 23 July
1.00pm – c. 2.00pm
Cadogan Hall
Gibbons: First Set of Madrigals and Motets of Five Parts (1612) – selection (8 mins)
Gibbons: The Cryes of London (7 mins)
Julian Philips: Sorowfull Songes (c10 mins) - BBC Commission, World Premiere
Steve Martland: Street Songs – selection (22 mins)
Nigel Short conductor
1.00pm – c. 2.00pm
Cadogan Hall
Gibbons: First Set of Madrigals and Motets of Five Parts (1612) – selection (8 mins)
Gibbons: The Cryes of London (7 mins)
Julian Philips: Sorowfull Songes (c10 mins) - BBC Commission, World Premiere
Steve Martland: Street Songs – selection (22 mins)
Nigel Short conductor