Prom 12 (23.7.12): Beethoven Cycle – Symphonies Nos. 5 & 6

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  • amac4165

    Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View Post
    I wasn't there, so my impressions were affected by the Radio 3 sound. But it seems to have been extremely good in the RAH itself - and that's what really counts.
    I was in the hall and to be honest unfortunately wasn't that good, I think people generally supported the orchestra come what may and thought it a decent enough performance of both symphonies. I quite liked the 6th as I thought the "underplayed" first and second movement made the dance and storm all the more powerful. But I can very much understand why a lot of people didn't like it.

    I think the general thinking is, certainly amongst a few promenaders I've spoken to is that this is too much in too short a time for an ensemble like this. So in many respects I think they have probably been setting themselves up for a fall -but at least they have two clear days before the mountain of the ninth.

    I cannot make the concert tonight owing to an engagement which was fixed months ago and to be honest I'm not as annoyed today as I was a few weeks ago!

    I am going to the 9th - Olympic Zil lanes permitting though following the example of the cabbie who threw himself off of Tower Bridge I was going to jump into the Fountain as a protest .... But then I remembered



    • John Wright
      Full Member
      • Mar 2007
      • 705

      Oh dear Bryn, how cheap can you get?

      Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View Post
      I don't think that combining Boulez and LvB was a good idea?
      Originally posted by Bryn View Post
      Well, I don't think the Boulez recording of Beethoven's 5th Symphony was that special, except for his inclusion of the repeat in the third movement .......
      - - -

      John W


      • ferneyhoughgeliebte
        Gone fishin'
        • Sep 2011
        • 30163

        Originally posted by Hornspieler View Post
        Tom Service is a bumbling disaster. What are his music qualifications?
        BA in Music from Glasgow University; PhD from Southampton; articles regularly published in the Music journals; Music Critic of the Guardian; lecturer at Trinity College; caretaker Artistic Director of the Huddersfield Festival of Contemporary Music (between Susanna Eastburn and Graham MacKenzie).
        [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


        • Hornspieler

          Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte View Post
          BA in Music from Glasgow University; PhD from Southampton; articles regularly published in the Music journals; Music Critic of the Guardian; lecturer at Trinity College; caretaker Artistic Director of the Huddersfield Festival of Contemporary Music (between Susanna Eastburn and Graham MacKenzie).
          Well, I only asked!

          I can see no evidence of all those 'qualifications' from his performances as a BBC presenter.

          Say no more. He is obviously much more experienced than those of us who have spent years in the music profession.



          • Ariosto

            Originally posted by Hornspieler View Post
            Well, I only asked!

            I can see no evidence of all those 'qualifications' from his performances as a BBC presenter.

            Say no more. He is obviously much more experienced than those of us who have spent years in the music profession.

            I do not think that having spent years in the music profession carries much weight, Hornspieler, at least not much on this messageboard ...


            • Eine Alpensinfonie
              • Nov 2010
              • 20585

              Originally posted by Ariosto View Post
              I do not think that having spent years in the music profession carries much weight, Hornspieler, at least not much on this messageboard ...
              I have no particular views on Tom Service. However, being well qualified and having knowledge in a given field does not necessarily make someone a good presenter. Take Steph McGovern, for example...


              • 3rd Viennese School

                I cant comment on the Boulez yet. Cause hes normally never played on Radio 3 Ive been taping all the Boulez pieces for further exploration. so I was quite happy that the two works yesterday were played back to back!!
                Didn't get on with the clarinet thing on Saturday- I think Clarinets should be left out of modern works. They end up sounding squeaky or/ and jazzy.

                I heard Beethoven 5- didnt seem to have the power at the Der Der Der Derrrrr start. Also, dont know it was me, but could hardly hear the bridge passage into the finale. And the finale repeat missed out which throws you if you're expecting it!
                Stilll, as ever, enjoyed the 5th overall.

                I like the fact that Tom Service champions modern music. But I was recording the Boulez and everytime I thought it was about to start he would start talking again! Going on continuously about how Beethoven is the starting point for Boulez's compositions. ( Rember last Friday. "And there's more tunes in that bit 2 thirds of the way through Derieve 2 than there is in Beethoven's entire Oueve!")

                Well, I will be listening out to tonights one, cassetter recorder at the ready, for my favorite Beethoven symphony (7) and Anthems 2. And Tom!



                • njfreestone

                  I will stick my head above the parapet and say that from my perspective in the arena last night, I felt it a very special occasion and an excellent performance of the two symphonies. I am nowhere near as experienced as many on these boards, but I felt the first movements of both symphonies, the 6th in particular, to be lacking drive. What I particularly appreciated from the orchestra was the superb balance of orchestration, for example the most delicate placing of the wind chord above the string texture at the end of the first movement of the 6th. There was also most excellent woodwind playing throughout from my perspective, with excellent solo passagework. I also greatly enjoyed the direction of Barenboim's final movements: there was a real energy present, particularly in the fifth, driving towards the conclusion of the work.

                  As for the Boulez, I could take or leave the first piece, but I greatly enjoyed the second piece and thought the use of texture most interesting. Very fine 'cello playing from all, especially the soloist.

                  And I couldn't believe the hiatus in the hall before the second Boulez - why on earth had the stewards not been briefed about the change in the placement of the interval?! From what I could see, there were some empty seats as some had left and didn't make it back in time before the start of the piece!


                  • Osborn

                    Originally posted by Ariosto View Post
                    I do not think that having spent years in the music profession carries much weight, Hornspieler, at least not much on this messageboard ...
                    Peter Katin's comments and contributions have always been respected I am sure Peter K would not dream of launching onslaughts against such a colossus of a musician as Barenboim.. Informed comment/criticism is fine, vitriol isn't IMO. You reap what you sow, don't you?

                    I've only watched the first concert so far, but the professional (newspaper & online) reviewers seem to have found plenty to admire and enjoy in the concerts as well as some weaknesses. But our MB seems populated by Beckmessers, listing minor faults which give me a headache. Part of the skill of reviewing is not feel seismic shocks when a live performance takes a different turn from your CD(s) (I don't have any of LvB symphonies!) and recollections of live or broadcast performances. I think it's often best to wait a while before making unalterable judgements.

                    Again to lighten the mood, here's Katie D:
                    "Precision rehearsal by Barenboim: to horn "play 3% sharper. You are not flat but it smells of being flat"!!!! Extraordinary. #BBCProms"
                    Last edited by Guest; 24-07-12, 18:53.


                    • Ariosto

                      Originally posted by Osborn View Post
                      Peter Katin's comments and contributions have always been respected I am sure Peter K would not dream of launching onslaughts against such a colossus of a musician as Barenboim.. Informed comment/criticism is fine, vitriol isn't IMO. You reap what you sow, don't you?
                      You might or might not have noticed Osborn that I have not said anything against DB - as he happens to be a musician I admire. I criticised the second concert because I thought that no one was happy, and it was perhaps just an off night.


                      • Osborn


                        I likke that post. You were actually there so your vote counts double!


                        • Ariosto

                          Oh dear!!


                          • Eine Alpensinfonie
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 20585

                            Please note - I've moved posts about Prom 13 form here to the dedicated thread about this concert. No message has been changed in any way.


                            • Alf-Prufrock

                              Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View Post
                              (listening on HDs as usual.)
                              I just don't know what these HDs are though they have been mentioned several times, even on this thread. I can only think of hard drives, but I do not know how one can listen to a radio programme with them.

                              Please enlighten.


                              • Tony Halstead
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 1717

                                Does it mean HEADPHONES? if so, why not HPs?

