MacBook Pro Air? Retina Display?

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  • teamsaint
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 25302

    Originally posted by Beef Oven! View Post
    You takin' the mick?
    as if.
    No, just another world. I do love these threads . I really do.
    But I would like to borrow the new toy you thought about for so long.......

    You can borrow my five a side subbuteo set in return.

    (I just ordered some Sennheisers).

    Edit. I need a new Hi fi also.
    I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

    I am not a number, I am a free man.


    • Beef Oven!
      • Sep 2013
      • 18147

      Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
      as if.
      No, just another world. I do love these threads . I really do.
      But I would like to borrow the new toy you thought about for so long.......

      You can borrow my five a side subbuteo set in return.

      (I just ordered some Sennheisers).

      Edit. I need a new Hi fi also.
      Which Sennheisers?


      • teamsaint
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 25302

        Originally posted by Beef Oven! View Post
        Which Sennheisers?
        There is a magazine dedicated to a single brand of headphones?!

        budget urgent replacement model !!

        Those macbook pro air retina things do look rather nice.
        Also, "Ultrabooks". New to me but most things are.
        I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

        I am not a number, I am a free man.


        • Dave2002
          Full Member
          • Dec 2010
          • 18109

          Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
          Also, "Ultrabooks". New to me but most things are.
          The term Ultrabook is actually pure marketing, dreamt up by Intel for a new generation of portable PCs featuring its technology.

          The best way to think of an Ultrabook is a MacBook Air that isn't made by Apple, a netbook that isn't underpowered or a laptop that's been on a crash diet.

          >>> The best way to think of an Ultrabook is a MacBook Air that isn't made by Apple

          So probably running some fairly dodgy OS!


          • Cockney Sparrow
            Full Member
            • Jan 2014
            • 2303

            Just to say that, I notice today(not sure how long this will continue) is showing a 10% discount on a range of Mac laptops
            Since 1999, we've paid our members over $3.6 Billion in Cash Back. Join now for an extra 10% Cash Back boost. Shop 3,500+ stores using coupons or cash back!

            (At least one of these is from the Spencer Mann as the seller - I bought an iPad, on offer from them in December - my only Mac item in a PC household - delivered by UPS, no problem)
            Sorry if this is now OT - haven't had time to digest the posts on this thread....


            • Beef Oven!
              • Sep 2013
              • 18147

              Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
              There is a magazine dedicated to a single brand of headphones?!
              Very clever, Mr Saint!


              • Dave2002
                Full Member
                • Dec 2010
                • 18109

                Since we are dealing with matters Apple/Mac/OS X, I just found this which I found useful:

                I was getting fed up with the "whoosh" sound when sending email - normally perhaps not such a big deal, but if I want to listen to music and feed the optical output to my DAC the whooshes really are loud and unnecessary.

                Seems odd that the preferences should be in different places - general in System Preferences, but specifically for Mail in Mail->Preferences. Look under the General tab to turn the sounds off - untick the relevant box..

                Anyway, whooshes now gone. The beep on incoming mail is still there - I may dump that as well - I still seem to get the visual notification at present. Getting rid of the incoming mail beep seems to be different - the sound has to be set to "none".


                • Nick Armstrong
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 26628

                  Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
                  Since we are dealing with matters Apple/Mac/OS X, I just found this which I found useful:

                  I was getting fed up with the "whoosh" sound when sending email - normally perhaps not such a big deal, but if I want to listen to music and feed the optical output to my DAC the whooshes really are loud and unnecessary.

                  Seems odd that the preferences should be in different places - general in System Preferences, but specifically for Mail in Mail->Preferences. Look under the General tab to turn the sounds off - untick the relevant box..

                  Anyway, whooshes now gone. The beep on incoming mail is still there - I may dump that as well - I still seem to get the visual notification at present. Getting rid of the incoming mail beep seems to be different - the sound has to be set to "none".

                  Much appreciated!!!!
                  "...the isle is full of noises,
                  Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                  Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                  Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


                  • richardfinegold
                    Full Member
                    • Sep 2012
                    • 7898

                    Originally posted by Beef Oven! View Post
                    I am fed up with my laptop (even though I only bought it last year). It's great for surfing the net etc, but it could be better with my music library and my Apple Airport thingy. Also it doesn't talk much to my iPad and iPhone.

                    I think I'm going to buy a MacBook Pro. However, I notice that there is an Air version with no CD slot (a major issue, but perhaps not a show-stopper) and 'Retina display' (which comes at a premium).

                    I think I'm going to get a common or garden 13'' MacBook Pro with no Retina display. Am I missing something?
                    I have both a MacBook Pro and an Air. The Air was purchased for a work related application which has gone by the wayside and now functions purely as a music server. I bought the external Optical Disc Drive which does a nice drop scanning to an external hard drive. I had a HD failure, which I commented on here, but I don't think that the Air was in any way responsible for that.


                    • Beef Oven!
                      • Sep 2013
                      • 18147

                      Originally posted by richardfinegold View Post
                      I have both a MacBook Pro and an Air. The Air was purchased for a work related application which has gone by the wayside and now functions purely as a music server. I bought the external Optical Disc Drive which does a nice drop scanning to an external hard drive. I had a HD failure, which I commented on here, but I don't think that the Air was in any way responsible for that.
                      Been using a MacBook Pro 13'' since last Friday. Fabulous build quality and does the job better than a Windows machine!


                      • Dave2002
                        Full Member
                        • Dec 2010
                        • 18109

                        Originally posted by Beef Oven! View Post
                        Been using a MacBook Pro 13'' since last Friday. Fabulous build quality and does the job better than a Windows machine!
                        Glad to hear it. I'm not surprised - I save so much time by not having to mess around with PCs and/or Windows. You'll eventually hit some problems, but probably not for a while, and even then you'll have saved time and some hair.

                        Did you bother to buy any of the "standard" software, such as Word, Excel etc.? It's possible to operate without those, but if you need to work with, or exchange data with, others, then Word etc. are still useful. I held out for a long while, and in fact mostly I use Open Office and/or Libre Office to prepare documents, but eventually many do end up in Word simply for compatibility reasons. Libre Office is supposed to avoid some bugs in Open Office, but recently I noticed some problems in Libre Office which weren't present in Open Office.

                        If you watch videos VLC is worth downloading.
                        Handbrake is good for processing videos too.

                        I'm just doing a quick scan of my HD to find any tools which might help you.

                        Google Earth is worth downloading, and you can also watch the moon and Mars.

                        For text editing - sometimes useful - try TextWrangler.

                        If you do a lot with PDFs and have an academic bent then Papers is worth paying for, and is the only way
                        I've found to get PDFs off an iPad if they didn't go via a desktop/laptop in the first place. Unfortunately you'd have to buy both the Mac OS X
                        and the iOS versions for that functionality. from Mekentosj.

                        Mendeley might also be worth checking for filing PDFs -

                        Of the Apple software, Pages, Numbers, Keynote - none are essential, or even very desirable. Numbers is awful - avoid. Pages and Keynote have their uses if you don't go for Microsoft Office. Open Office is much better for a spread sheet than Numbers.

                        Audacity is good for some audio work - though for managing your music library iTunes is mostly good enough.

                        What do you use your MBP for, and/or what do you want to use it for?


                        • Nick Armstrong
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 26628

                          Originally posted by Beef Oven! View Post
                          Been using a MacBook Pro 13'' since last Friday. Fabulous build quality and does the job better than a Windows machine!
                          "...the isle is full of noises,
                          Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                          Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                          Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


                          • Beef Oven!
                            • Sep 2013
                            • 18147

                            Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
                            Glad to hear it. I'm not surprised - I save so much time by not having to mess around with PCs and/or Windows. You'll eventually hit some problems, but probably not for a while, and even then you'll have saved time and some hair.

                            Did you bother to buy any of the "standard" software, such as Word, Excel etc.? It's possible to operate without those, but if you need to work with, or exchange data with, others, then Word etc. are still useful. I held out for a long while, and in fact mostly I use Open Office and/or Libre Office to prepare documents, but eventually many do end up in Word simply for compatibility reasons. Libre Office is supposed to avoid some bugs in Open Office, but recently I noticed some problems in Libre Office which weren't present in Open Office.

                            If you watch videos VLC is worth downloading.
                            Handbrake is good for processing videos too.

                            I'm just doing a quick scan of my HD to find any tools which might help you.

                            Google Earth is worth downloading, and you can also watch the moon and Mars.

                            For text editing - sometimes useful - try TextWrangler.

                            If you do a lot with PDFs and have an academic bent then Papers is worth paying for, and is the only way
                            I've found to get PDFs off an iPad if they didn't go via a desktop/laptop in the first place. Unfortunately you'd have to buy both the Mac OS X
                            and the iOS versions for that functionality. from Mekentosj.

                            Mendeley might also be worth checking for filing PDFs -

                            Of the Apple software, Pages, Numbers, Keynote - none are essential, or even very desirable. Numbers is awful - avoid. Pages and Keynote have their uses if you don't go for Microsoft Office. Open Office is much better for a spread sheet than Numbers.

                            Audacity is good for some audio work - though for managing your music library iTunes is mostly good enough.

                            What do you use your MBP for, and/or what do you want to use it for?
                            Thanks for all this info!

                            I have word etc, already and will load in due course.

                            Haven't really thought about how I'm going to use my MacBook. Just to organise and playback my music collection, surf the net, muck around with my photos etc, etc.


                            • MrGongGong
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 18357

                              Originally posted by Beef Oven! View Post
                              Thanks for all this info!

                              I have word etc, already and will load in due course.

                              Haven't really thought about how I'm going to use my MacBook. Just to organise and playback my music collection, surf the net, muck around with my photos etc, etc.
                              some favourite things



                              Gimp (the unfortunately named free image manipulator!)

                              and the mighty Pauls extreme sound stretch (That will fill your hard drive with endless wonderful drones !)

                              and much more


                              • Beef Oven!
                                • Sep 2013
                                • 18147

                                Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
                                some favourite things



                                Gimp (the unfortunately named free image manipulator!)

                                and the mighty Pauls extreme sound stretch (That will fill your hard drive with endless wonderful drones !)

                                and much more

                                Will investigate in due course.

