I'm sure you are right jb. Once you have a system that is comfortable [as in a favourite pair of shoes, say, or the company of a valued friend perhaps] and shows no vices you forget it and get on with the music. Constantly looking over your shoulder at what might be wrong with it is no way to enjoy it but if you find you don't I suppose it's time to change. If people like to experiment with hardware then I'm sure it's enjoyable as a way to explore the variety and revisit old favourites too. I kept an old valve set of Quads for years in the loft until I realised that I had not even looked at them for a long time so they went to an audio fair and were sent to a good home. Can you still get KT66s? Still miss my Quad electrostatics - don't suppose they count as Active do they? I don't think I'd like to go back to that first Leak Stereo 30 though!! A bit of a revolution at the time [Germanium transistors
!!] but I doubt it would pass muster now - 10 watts in 15 ohms IHFM!!! Arrghh!! They did replace it with a silicon transistor version, the Stereo 30 Plus, which is probably better sounding.
When I was lot younger I was an avid reader of HiFi News and every month my wife would roll her eyes because she could see the potential for some requests to the treasury for expenditure!! Browsing visits to the local dealers for chats stopped a long time ago. Anyway there is only one left in spitting distance now.

When I was lot younger I was an avid reader of HiFi News and every month my wife would roll her eyes because she could see the potential for some requests to the treasury for expenditure!! Browsing visits to the local dealers for chats stopped a long time ago. Anyway there is only one left in spitting distance now.