'Clock radios' etc

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  • Bryn
    • Mar 2007
    • 24688

    Sorry Caliban, I only know of Windoze software that does the trick. PM me if you desire further detaips.


    • teamsaint
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 25302

      Caliban, many thanks for your quite excellent illustrated post.i Really very grateful.

      After looking at the top of the range Roberts model, ihad a look at the cheaper non internet version.

      This looks useful, but it would seem that its quite time consuming to erase recorded material from the SD cards. (have to be deleted via your computer).
      Last edited by teamsaint; 23-11-13, 19:25.
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      • Eine Alpensinfonie
        • Nov 2010
        • 20590

        I do have a clock radio, but with Radio 3 broadcasting Breakfast, and Radio 4 broadcasting depressing news, I use the ordinary buzzer alarm instead. That way, I can still face the day ahead.


        • teamsaint
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 25302

          Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View Post
          I do have a clock radio, but with Radio 3 broadcasting Breakfast, and Radio 4 broadcasting depressing news, I use the ordinary buzzer alarm instead. That way, I can still face the day ahead.
          I have one that goes "Tweet".
          A lot.

          I would agree with Caliban that , for me, quality isn't a particularly big issue on this really.
          If i want to catch up with something really good, there are other ways of doing it.
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          • Bryn
            • Mar 2007
            • 24688

            Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
            I have one that goes "Tweet".
            A lot.
            Ah, you rise at 05:58, tuned to BBC Radio 4, eh?


            • teamsaint
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 25302

              Originally posted by Bryn View Post
              Ah, you rise at 05:58, tuned to BBC Radio 4, eh?
              no. And you won't get me to get up at that time with R4 on with THAT old trick.

              (i didn't know R4 folk got up that early !!)
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              • Beresford
                Full Member
                • Apr 2012
                • 562

                Evoke-3 as MP3 player

                From Caliban - "...if there's something on my computer I want to have on the bedside radio, I can copy and MP3 track onto the SD card, and it'll play when slotted back into the Evoke-3."

                Thanks for this. I never realized that my Evoke-3 could be used as an MP3 player.

                Also I have found that MP2 files play directly in some software players (I use Foobar playing from the SD card - also for renaming and retagging files), and that the sound quality is better than the same file converted to MP3, as Bryn suggests.


                • Bryn
                  • Mar 2007
                  • 24688

                  Originally posted by Beresford View Post
                  From Caliban - "...if there's something on my computer I want to have on the bedside radio, I can copy and MP3 track onto the SD card, and it'll play when slotted back into the Evoke-3."

                  Thanks for this. I never realized that my Evoke-3 could be used as an MP3 player.

                  Also I have found that MP2 files play directly in some software players (I use Foobar playing from the SD card - also for renaming and retagging files), and that the sound quality is better than the same file converted to MP3, as Bryn suggests.
                  Also, some players which do not play mp2s with that suffix, will play them if you simply change the suffix (not convert them) to mp3.


                  • Ant

                    Hello all,

                    As a slight digression from all this digital stuff, I have a Roberts CR9977 which is a fairly basic clock-radio which does all I want except sound good. So, as is my wont, I decided to fit an extension speaker socket. I unplugged it, removed the battery, fitted the socket, then discovered on re-assembly that it didn't work. I should say that I saw the warning not to remove the battery unless power was applied, too! What I discovered on close examination was that there is a tiny hole in the bottom of the set, covered by a paper label - one has to insert a wire through this hole, connected to battery negative if I remember right, to wake it up again. Very very sneaky and I'll bet there are others like it...

                    I've fought shy of the digital revolution so far but I've been contemplating ways to record TTN to use instead of the morning's current offerings and I'd not realised what facilities might be available - I must investigate further!

                    Regards Ant


                    • teamsaint
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 25302

                      My long running but occasional search for an easy way to record R3 and play back in my car has taken a positive direction.

                      It turns out that my much loved Sansa clip + MP3 player has a record facility. I can record FM radio very simply, and then play back through my hi Fi, or more importantly my car stereo. The car stereo can be done via one of those transmitter things that operate via the radio, or possibly via an aux or iphone lead, though I don't have the correct lead/adaptor at present.
                      However, it WORKS, although quality is ordinary.
                      Incidentally, the recorded file seems to use about 500mb for 100 mins, so through the night would require about a quarter of the 8Gb capacity.But progress, and relatively simple.
                      Last edited by teamsaint; 16-02-14, 16:14.
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