A discussion has emerged about DSD recordings and comparisons with PCM over on the New Releases thread in CD Review - http://www.for3.org/forums/showthrea...486#post353486
This might be a more appropriate place to continue the discussion.
So far it has been found that there are now some cheap DSD DAC converters, but also that DSD
downloads are available, but cost about three times that of equivalent PCM versions. Also there appears
to be little difference in sound quality between SACD sound and high resolution downloads (PCM).
Over to you!
This might be a more appropriate place to continue the discussion.
So far it has been found that there are now some cheap DSD DAC converters, but also that DSD
downloads are available, but cost about three times that of equivalent PCM versions. Also there appears
to be little difference in sound quality between SACD sound and high resolution downloads (PCM).
Over to you!