Much of my listening is via podcasts on a -- -- audiophiles, look away now -- -- Pure One Flow WiFi radio. There is no better way to destroy Dr. Thropplenoggin's good mood as he ablutes himself (
) next to his radio and prepares to set foot in some audible landscape (yesterday, Beethoven's Variations on 'Bein Männern, welche Liebe fühlen from Mozart's 'The Magic Flute', WoO46) than to have some newsreader's monotone voice reel off headlines concerning murder and mayhem, or George Osborne's soi-disant economic policy.
Why, O why, can they not excise the news (and weather) from podcasts? Surely it's a simple enough process!

Why, O why, can they not excise the news (and weather) from podcasts? Surely it's a simple enough process!