Converting to Mavericks

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  • Dave2002
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 18109

    Converting to Mavericks

    Apple's latest update to OS X is called Mavericks. No - it's not the name of a big cat, but the name of a surfing location off the coast of California -

    So far upgrades seem to have been easy enough, though there have been some reports of hopefully isolated problems with mail -

    Whether iWorks will get upgraded at the same time as the OS might be of interest to some. **
    If there's an all or nothing situation, with it not possible to leave iWorks untouched, then some users might be unhappy - see This review of Pages is more positive, but points out some problems - The complaints about iWorks seem to apply for users who have previously used Applescript, and also there seems to be a view that the apps Pages, Numbers and Keynote are more like the ones on iOS devices. Re Applescript, fairly few users will have been using this, but those who did may have been relying on that for some more powerful operations, and this update could disrupt their activities.

    Personally I have never liked Numbers much, either on the desktop or on iPads, and Pages on iPads is somewhat restricted, though bearable on a desktop. Keynote was a presentation tool, with some flair, though again I didn't use it much. Some users liked it quite a lot. The latest update seemingly downgrades all of these apps to something less powerful. Professional users will probably be using Microsoft office anyway, and have little choice but to continue to do so for compatibility reasons. Personally in the last year I have found OpenOffice and LibreOffice to be better tools for word processing.

    There seems to be more convergence between iOS and OS X - it's too early for me to say whether this is a good thing or even acceptable. Again, personally I have long thought that some features of iOS which many seem to like, are in fact really poor. The lack of a sensible file system in iOS is simply pathetic, and it may not have changed with the latest "updates". One iOS feature I do like is the ability to easily email pages from within Safari. It is possible to do this with most browsers in OS X, but each browser needs to be treated individually.

    It may be that the new desktop OS is in fact acceptable, but anyone who is concerned about this might want to wait a while until things settle down.

    I was thinking of updating one of my machines to see how things go, but writing this is now making me think I should wait quite a while before doing so. I still haven't updated one of my machines - which is still running Snow Leopard - because I've got software which I still use which won't run on later versions of the OS. Having said that, I find that Lion and Mountain Lion work rather well for me - apart from just a few software packages. In the meantime I am investigating running Snow Leopard in a virtual machine environment, which I think is possible, but may be somewhat involved.

    Anyone who wants to update more than one machine might find it useful to make a USB stick with the OS on - see The new OS is a 5 Gbyte download, so it won't fit on a CD, or even a DVD, but it will go on a portable hard drive or an 8Gbyte or larger USB stick.

    During the installation process, one has to intercept the downloaded file(s), otherwise it/they will be deleted as the installation completes. Keep the dmg files.

    Users on a very fast network (typically in an organisation - say up to 100 Mbps and above with a very high speed connection to the Internet) may be able to download the file(s) in under 15 minutes, but users on 4 Mbps ADSL may find the download takes hours, so it's definitely worth trying to intercept the install file(s).

    As I've not done this yet, I don't know whether the installation is one or more files.

    ** PS: I have been informed that for anyone really concerned about retaining iWorks, it is possible to ensure that the earlier installed version is saved in a folder during the installation process. It might be necessary to be careful when installing to make sure that this happens.
    Last edited by Dave2002; 28-10-13, 17:33.
  • Dave2002
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 18109

    I've still not tried this. One concern is that a few reviewers have suggested that the audio (iTunes) gets messed up. Apple have created problems with iTunes and audio before, and although these were eventually fixed, it took a while. Many of the users of this board, like myself, might be really upset if these reports of audio problems turn out to be real. If anyone is brave enough to try and report back on the audio quality of ripped material, and also of any new rips, that could be really helpful.


    • MrGongGong
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 18357

      I don't know anyone who has done this
      most of the folks I know would be very wary of changes that would make their software unreliable
      the last "upgrade" apple did made protools crash which caused huge problems for many folk in studios etc
      so i'd always hang on a bit ..........

      Issues with things like Mail and Office applications are usually fairly fast to be solved
      but more complex things are unlikely to get fixed quickly


      • Richard Barrett

        I'm still on 10.6.8 thank you very much, and I never change my Mac OS unless I absolutely have to (as when getting a new computer).


        • Dave2002
          Full Member
          • Dec 2010
          • 18109

          Originally posted by Richard Barrett View Post
          I'm still on 10.6.8 thank you very much, and I never change my Mac OS unless I absolutely have to (as when getting a new computer).
          I have one running 10.6.8 too, and I don't want to change that one as it has a copy of AppleWorks which still runs. That package won't run on later systems, though I am looking into ways of getting 10.6.8 to run on a virtual system. However, although I know that's possible, I really think it's quite a faff, and I've still not got round to it.

          Regarding Appleworks, which earlier was Clarisworks, when I first met that I didn't like it too much, and I wasn't too fond of the drawing package either. Then, as I discovered how to use it, and I also had a considerable need to produce diagrams, I came to the conclusion that it was actually easier to use than many other drawing packages. It has, for me, a good balance between ease of use and power to get jobs done. I am surprised that Apple have effectively ditched this, or at least the drawing and painting parts of the package. I have also a Windows version, but it's not so good as the versions which run on Macs.

          Two programs which might just be suitable replacements for the AppeDraw part of AppleWorks are Eazydraw and Ingaglio, and there are work arounds for importing files into Pages. Unfortunately neither of these are cheap enough to purchase as replacement for software which is already functioning well enough on 10.6.8, except perhaps for some who really do need to use this kind of software every day.

          One other tool I like from the past is the calendar program for the Palm Pilots, which I found offered useful ways to codify events, and there isn't anything quite like it. In that case there were two versions - one for PCs, and one for Apple, and the Apple one was significantly better. That program may not even work on Mac OS X, which is why I keep a very old machine to run that on!
          Last edited by Dave2002; 03-11-13, 07:26.


          • Stunsworth
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 1553

            I upgraded a week and a half ago. I haven't had any problems. There was a minor panic when mail wouldn't work, but a simple reboot solved that. I've now upgraded both of my Macs.

            I havent had had any problems with iTunes or any other Apple/third party software.

            it seems an obvious upgrade for anyone using a laptop (I don't) given the improvement in battery life.


            • Stunsworth
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 1553

              Forgot to mention.

              If iWorks is updated, and you don't like the new version of the programs, the old ones are left on the computer and available to use instead.


              • Dave2002
                Full Member
                • Dec 2010
                • 18109

                Originally posted by Stunsworth View Post


                • Dave2002
                  Full Member
                  • Dec 2010
                  • 18109

                  Originally posted by Stunsworth View Post
                  I upgraded a week and a half ago. I haven't had any problems. There was a minor panic when mail wouldn't work, but a simple reboot solved that. I've now upgraded both of my Macs.

                  I havent had had any problems with iTunes or any other Apple/third party software.

                  it seems an obvious upgrade for anyone using a laptop (I don't) given the improvement in battery life.
                  I found this comment elsewhere
                  I will give it another shot though, upgraded to Mavericks before and that crippled my M2Tech USB2SPDIF adapter so this was done using only the ABX tester, via optical output to my DAC.
                  taken from so some people do seem to have problems.

                  There is also this
                  Just a warning to users of Chord Electronics DAC's such as the Qute HD - the USB driver supplied by Chord will not work if you upgrade to the latest Mavericks OS. There is a notice on Chord's website
                  from this posting so it seems as though third party drivers and software can be an issue.

                  However, if you are reporting that it hasn't caused you a problem, and that's including iTunes, then maybe that does push the impetus to migrate on a bit. I do have a laptop - though the battery life is already pretty good, and I often use it powered anyway.


                  • khiiutvhjui
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 14

                    I upgraded my Snow Leopard machine ten days ago and am finding 10.9 very pleasant. I am a minimalist, mostly use Linux and have no paid-for applications, I would not have upgraded if it cost even a tenner.
                    Did have to download iTunes again and install over itself as originally it would not open.

                    I took precautions to make it happen smoothly..
                    1. Backed up personal stuff eg music to external drive
                    2. Wiped drive with GParted CD
                    3.Installed clean copy of Snow Leopard from DVD, applied all updates
                    4.Verified drive with Disk Utility
                    5.Downloaded Mavericks in 2hrs and installed in 45 mins with Filevault2 enabled
                    6.Made a Time Machine backup of the pure operating system then installed my stuff

                    Startup and shutdown are slower than in SL but in actual use speed is the same.


                    • MrGongGong
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 18357

                      A warning to the esoteric composers
                      The current version of MAX MSP apparently doesn't work with Mavericks
                      which is causing a huge problem for some folks with gigs this week !

                      (I'm staying put for now but a bit worrying that someone I was with today had just bought a brand new machine and found that all the software he was planning to use for a gig on Friday doesn't work )


                      • VodkaDilc

                        Originally posted by Richard Barrett View Post
                        I'm still on 10.6.8 thank you very much, and I never change my Mac OS unless I absolutely have to (as when getting a new computer).
                        I'm also still on 10.6.8 and see no reason to change. However I have recently had problems with repeated kernel panics, which I'm told is a problem with mid-2010 MacBook Pros. I had the main motherboard replaced just within warranty and that was supposed to cure it. It stills happens, but I try to ignore it. Updating, I am told, could cure it, but no-one seems very confident - and it would also mean changing my email, which I don't want to do. I'll probably put up with it until I need a new computer.


                        • french frank
                          • Feb 2007
                          • 30818

                          Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
                          I've still not tried this. One concern is that a few reviewers have suggested that the audio (iTunes) gets messed up. Apple have created problems with iTunes and audio before, and although these were eventually fixed, it took a while.
                          I'm finding iTunes seems to shuffle my CD tracks. I can't get it to play the whole CD through in the right order. How do I stop it doing that? (I've had Mavericks on both my machines for a few months but don't often play CDs on the iMac).
                          It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                          • french frank
                            • Feb 2007
                            • 30818

                            Okay (I think) - I found it in the dock menu.
                            It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                            • Dave2002
                              Full Member
                              • Dec 2010
                              • 18109

                              Originally posted by french frank View Post
                              I'm finding iTunes seems to shuffle my CD tracks. I can't get it to play the whole CD through in the right order. How do I stop it doing that? (I've had Mavericks on both my machines for a few months but don't often play CDs on the iMac).
                              On my iTunes there's a menu label "Controls", which has various settings for shuffling. You need to make sure that shuffling is turned off.

                              If that isn't the fix, then maybe somehow your playlists are getting out of order.There are solutions for that kind of problem such as making sure that the track numbers correspond to the required playing order - by editing the appropriate fields if necessary.

