Moving "files" from iPad to iCloud or Dropbox

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  • Dave2002
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 18034

    Moving "files" from iPad to iCloud or Dropbox

    There are things about iPads which I have always thought are **** stupid. One is the lack of any sensible form of filing system. Despite that, I use mine most days for various purposes.

    However, from time to time I come back to this file problem. There are all sorts of "help" web pages, and apps (some free, some not) which different people recommend. It's mindless - these are problems which should never have been designed in to the "system" in the first place.

    Are there any easy ways to move (say) PDF files from iBooks, Papers, Pages to

    (a) each other
    (b) Dropbox
    (c) iCloud

    One way of course is to use email, but it's very clunky, and may cause other problems. Even if there are few problems, it might still take a while.

    Then, of course, there's iTunes
  • garyc

    I'm no iPad expert (my wife has one, I'm allowed to use it occasionally) but in the course of researching a problem a friend had with Goodreader and iOS7, I came across Documents, which may provide some of the functions you need:
    Last edited by Guest; 18-10-13, 10:33. Reason: typo correct

