You may well be right. I do think it's worth checking for input overload though - I have definitely seen and heard this recently, and not just with my equipment. If people wire things together without care it's easy to do. I realised after my previous post that the clipping could also be coming from the amp just running out of "steam". It might be possible to improve things with a better power supply, but I might have to bite the bullet and get a much more powerful amp.
Years ago I knew some people who had measured the dynamic range of some very old recordings (talking 78s and acoustic here ...). They discovered that the dynamic range was so wide that to get good quality, even on such old recordings, needed the equivalent of a 400 Watt amplifier - IIRC.
You may well be right. I do think it's worth checking for input overload though - I have definitely seen and heard this recently, and not just with my equipment. If people wire things together without care it's easy to do. I realised after my previous post that the clipping could also be coming from the amp just running out of "steam". It might be possible to improve things with a better power supply, but I might have to bite the bullet and get a much more powerful amp.
Years ago I knew some people who had measured the dynamic range of some very old recordings (talking 78s and acoustic here ...). They discovered that the dynamic range was so wide that to get good quality, even on such old recordings, needed the equivalent of a 400 Watt amplifier - IIRC.