Why is the expression of horror, or mock-horror at £200 for a budget Dac a "sensible comment"? It's just about the lowest market value for a high-performance Dac, it's just the way it is in that market , it's a relative value. How much would you expect to pay for a half-decent laptop, or even a better-than-basic tablet computer? Even the blessed Kindle only starts at £129, and you don't listen to it playing music. it does seem that many people's sense of value becomes oddly distorted about HiFi. Would you apply the same judgments to Optics?
Apart from that, agree with everything you say in your post no.45!
(**Do seek out the John Atkinson Stereophile article I linked to in my post no.32 - it's insightful, highly intelligent, and very amusing!)
Apart from that, agree with everything you say in your post no.45!
(**Do seek out the John Atkinson Stereophile article I linked to in my post no.32 - it's insightful, highly intelligent, and very amusing!)