I'm at a bit of a loss to know what to do to identify and cure the cause of the intermittent and brief stutter that has appeared when listening to streamed music - R3, Spotify, Youtube etc Its not a regular every 30 secs thing but more sporadic and very annoying
I've tried everything that Spotify have suggested incl delete and reinstall, switching off hardware acceleration etc but to no avail. My ISP assure me that line speed and memory are adequate as indeed they have been until recently. I've undone recent driver updates, deleted odd software progs that seemed to be coincide with the start of the problem but it continues. Googling the problem suggested I tested something called latency with a free software prog (DPC Latency Checker) and that certainly showed a problem existed but disabling various devices didn't make any difference and I'm cautious about the process as I don't really know what I'm doing.
This afternoon my ISP said it might be the beginning of the end for the hard disc or overheating caused by running too much software -seems unlikely as I only run the usual things, or dirt and dust causing overheating and that salvation lies with an expert local engineer/shop giving it the once-over.
Before spending the money, I wonder if any of our experts could suggest a cure?
I've tried everything that Spotify have suggested incl delete and reinstall, switching off hardware acceleration etc but to no avail. My ISP assure me that line speed and memory are adequate as indeed they have been until recently. I've undone recent driver updates, deleted odd software progs that seemed to be coincide with the start of the problem but it continues. Googling the problem suggested I tested something called latency with a free software prog (DPC Latency Checker) and that certainly showed a problem existed but disabling various devices didn't make any difference and I'm cautious about the process as I don't really know what I'm doing.
This afternoon my ISP said it might be the beginning of the end for the hard disc or overheating caused by running too much software -seems unlikely as I only run the usual things, or dirt and dust causing overheating and that salvation lies with an expert local engineer/shop giving it the once-over.
Before spending the money, I wonder if any of our experts could suggest a cure?