A few questions -
1. How do I get a desktop icon for BBC Radio I-Player? Currently I am having to Google it each time.
2. When I tick "Remember Me", it doesn't. I have to type in my password etc. How can I change this?
3. Is there any way of altering the order of chosen favourites once they appear, ie by date?
4. What is the best way of monitoring favourites to ensure episodes aren't missed or listened to twice?
1. How do I get a desktop icon for BBC Radio I-Player? Currently I am having to Google it each time.
2. When I tick "Remember Me", it doesn't. I have to type in my password etc. How can I change this?
3. Is there any way of altering the order of chosen favourites once they appear, ie by date?
4. What is the best way of monitoring favourites to ensure episodes aren't missed or listened to twice?