Originally posted by Frances_iom
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R3 Facebook query
Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post... I have absolutely no intention of joining Facebook.
Facebook (and there some stuff about it in the book Delete) employs a classic drug dealer business strategy
sell or give away something that people find useful and they become dependent on it
THEN increase the price or make it unusable unless you pay huge amounts of money etc ..........
I'm not "ON" stalkerbook BUT do get emails from them trying to get me to "join" listing people I do know ...... classic marketing genius , makes it feel "essential" (like some other "classics")
I do wonder what will happen to organisations like the BBC who have opted to give over so much to this company when it ceases to be "useful" ? (myspace ? Bebo?)
It's all fine as long as folk understand that their business is NOT communication, networks or trying to make the world a more "connected" place (there are many I would actively want to disconnect from ...............) but DATA, and making money from it, selling it , using it to sell stuff to us etc etc
I'm not that interested in the history of the thing but did read about how if the guy who created it tried to do it in the same way in the UK he would be imprisoned for stealing personal information. It seems that it works for people in the same way that if Albert Roux jemmied his way into your house and made off with the contents of your fridge turning up the next day with a rather enticing banquet , would you want him prosecuted for burglary ?
Originally posted by MrGongGong View Postif Albert Roux jemmied his way into your house and made off with the contents of your fridge turning up the next day with a rather enticing banquet , would you want him prosecuted for burglary ?
(hmmm - thingies for drink, but none for food)
I just received an email from Facebook, asking me "Do you know Renae C Thue, Haim Regev and Mariusz Molata?"
Now I do have a Facebook account, but I only ever use it to view things (and that very rarely), I have maximal privacy settings, I have not a single "friend", and I have not ever "liked" more than one item.
So what basis does Facebook have for thinking that I might know these people? Are they just random names? Why does Facebook think I might be interested in these three random people?
Originally posted by David-G View Post.
So what basis does Facebook have for thinking that I might know these people? Are they just random names? Why does Facebook think I might be interested in these three random people?
I am usually well attuned to spotting fishy emails, but this has every appearance of being genuine. On your suggestion I looked at the header, and I could not immediately spot anything amiss; for example, it includes lines like
"Facebook" <update+zrdoplorggff@facebookmail.com>
I get fairly frequent emails from Facebook, trying (in vain) to encourage me to be a more active user. They include friend requests, and rather pathetic reminders that I may have missed some important activity on Facebook. I am not surprised that they would like me to be more active. But I am surprised that they present me with candidates for being friends who I do not know from Adam, and where there is absolutely no reason to think that I do know them.
Incidentally, this is all on my secondary email address. I would not dream of giving my primary email address to the likes of Facebook.
I find it convenient to have a Facebook account, as it is occasionally useful to see something that someone has posted there.