No digital signal on BBC1 or 2

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  • Don Petter

    Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
    Hi saly

    I used to have your computer mouse problem when the mouse was a plug-in type to the back of the computer. Is yours of that kind? If so, the "loose cursor" problem might be because of muck inevitably accumulated on the rubber ball over time. I used to unscrew the rim underneath the mouse to release the rubber ball, give the ball a wash in lukewarm soapy water, rinse off and thoroughly dry before putting in back in. That worked for a while, but eventually the problem recurred, and I was told the mouse had reached the end of its life. I replaced it with a battery-operated mouse, which is powered by 3 AAA batteries - the tiddly ones, which can be bought comparatively cheaply in packs of 6 or 8; a pair usually last me about 4 days, the only problem really being in getting the damn things out of the packaging! The cursor is now much more responsive to this particular mouse, and "loose kite" problem only occurs when the batteries need replacing.

    And a nice Good Friday to yourself, too!
    In my experience, there is never any significant dirt on the ball itself. All the dirt accumulates round the two (X and Y axis) rollers. You need to carefully scrape this off with a fingernail (all the way round each roller). Once this is done, hold the mouse in the normal upright position and shake it vigously up and down in the air. This should allow any of the dirt which has fallen inside to make an exit through the hole. Then replace the ball and you should be off for another week or two.


    • salymap
      Late member
      • Nov 2010
      • 5969

      I don't have a mouse, just a little old touchpad thing. The left-hand bit at the front is cracked as I bang on it with frustration as the laptop is so slow. It does now have a hairline crack

      Write 100 times " I must not be so rough with my toys".


      • cloughie
        Full Member
        • Dec 2011
        • 22271

        Originally posted by Don Petter View Post
        In my experience, there is never any significant dirt on the ball itself. All the dirt accumulates round the two (X and Y axis) rollers. You need to carefully scrape this off with a fingernail (all the way round each roller). Once this is done, hold the mouse in the normal upright position and shake it vigously up and down in the air. This should allow any of the dirt which has fallen inside to make an exit through the hole. Then replace the ball and you should be off for another week or two.
        Sounds a bit like Fawlty Towers - trouble with fur balls!


        • Don Petter

          Originally posted by salymap View Post
          I don't have a mouse, just a little old touchpad thing. The left-hand bit at the front is cracked as I bang on it with frustration as the laptop is so slow. It does now have a hairline crack

          You have my deepest sympathy! Trying to use a touch pad, even when it's working correctly, is one of the most frustrating activities on earth.

          Why don't you buy a mouse, wired or not, and relax in the luxury of pointing just where you want?

          [You can get an optical mouse (with no fluff problems) of good make, like Logitech, for less than a fiver.]


          • JFLL
            Full Member
            • Jan 2011
            • 780

            Originally posted by Don Petter View Post
            Trying to use a touch pad, even when it's working correctly, is one of the most frustrating activities on earth.


            • salymap
              Late member
              • Nov 2010
              • 5969

              Right, thanks both, after Easter I'll look into it.


              • salymap
                Late member
                • Nov 2010
                • 5969

                Heads up for S-A and anyone else who has to update their Freeview TV to 100% digital in the London area. It's on the 18th, the day after tomorrow. Instructions will be on screen for those that need them.


                • vinteuil
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 13197

                  Originally posted by salymap View Post
                  It's on the 18th, the day after tomorrow.

                  ... now why do I think that is also a special day?


                  • salymap
                    Late member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 5969

                    I don't know to what you refer Sir


                    • Nick Armstrong
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 26628

                      Originally posted by vinteuil View Post
                      ... now why do I think that is also a special day?

                      Oooh he's a charmer, old vinmousseux... a thoughtful one, though, certainly!
                      "...the isle is full of noises,
                      Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                      Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                      Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


                      • Resurrection Man

                        One tip to all those struggling to find the right station in the right channel in the right slot is to unplug the aerial. Navigate through the menu and carry out a Factory Reset or similar sounding name and sk for an automatic rescan. This wil clear out all internal references to channels ...existent or non-existent. Switch off your it PVR, TV, freeview set-top box whatever. Turb back on. Plug the aerial back in and then go through the rest stuff and retune again. Et voila...all channels should end up where they are supposed to.


                        • Eine Alpensinfonie
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 20590

                          Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                          Hmmm. My BBC2 is inaccessible now, since retuning. It comes on for a second then reverts to BBC1.
                          Are you sure this is not the Radio 3 effect? Whenever I tune into this station on weekday mornings, it seems to slip on to Radio 2.


                          • Resurrection Man

                            Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View Post
                            Are you sure this is not the Radio 3 effect? Whenever I tune into this station on weekday mornings, it seems to slip on to Radio 2.
                            That is easily done as the presenters in the morning sound identical. But are you sure you haven't inadvertently tuned to Classic FM? Radio 3 and Classic FM also sound identical before noon.


                            • Dave2002
                              Full Member
                              • Dec 2010
                              • 18109

                              Switchover day today for some. Maybe SA will get his channels back. He seems to be almost sitting on the transmitter.

                              Only a few more areas to go, after this.


                              • salymap
                                Late member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 5969

                                Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
                                Switchover day today for some. Maybe SA will get his channels back. He seems to be almost sitting on the transmitter.

                                Only a few more areas to go, after this.
                                I seem to be okay. Have had very good advice and a new digi box from TVonics, at a price, but all channels seem to be there now.

                                Good luck to those that live under the transmitter.

