BBC ending internet listening

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  • MickyD
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 4927

    BBC ending internet listening

    Listening to R3 on my hifi here in France this week, I keep getting repeated messages interrupting programmes telling me that very soon the BBC will be ending the facility to listen to R3 on the internet. I have investigated further and it would seem that any hifi more than about 2 years old will be incapable of receiving programmes. This is extremely annoying, as I only bought my hifi over three years ago specifically to listen to the BBC on it. It will be like going back to the old days when I was never able to receive BBC programmes where I live.

    I wonder if this is being done on grounds of cost or just to hinder those outside of the UK to listen? I would be grateful if anyone in the know could explain more and if there are any solutions once the service has ended.
  • Bryn
    • Mar 2007
    • 24688

    If you can no longer play BBC live radio on your internet radio device, it is likely it was using the Shoutcast streaming technology, which the BBC no longer supports. We will continue to support BBC live radio online using HLS and DASH streaming technologies which will be available to the BBC’s distribution partners. 

    So it's not BBC Sounds, as such, which is withdrawn, just the Shoutcast stream. It might be worth checking for firmware updates for any equipment getting the withdrawal of service message.


    • MickyD
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 4927

      Originally posted by Bryn View Post

      So it's not BBC Sounds, as such, which is withdrawn, just the Shoutcast stream. It might be worth checking for firmware updates for any equipment getting the withdrawal of service message.
      I bought my hi-fi in France, but I'll see if I can find any advice from the manufacturer. Everything seems so complicated these days, or am I just getting old?!


      • Beresford
        Full Member
        • Apr 2012
        • 562

        You may be receiving the wrong information. This is from the Roberts Radio website. (

        "European Listeners
        Due to a technical issue all Internet radio devices in Europe may receive a ‘barker’ message that announces the upcoming switch off every few hours. The BBC have confirmed that the message in Europe will not distinguish between affected and non-affected devices, and should be ignored. If you hear the message in Europe, please refer to the list of affected devices above, and ignore this message."

        I remember reading that Shoutcast is due to end this month. In the UK I get the switch-off messages on my internet radio, so I will tell you if and when it does stop.


        • Dermot
          Full Member
          • Aug 2013
          • 125

          The Roberts Radio website

          contains the following message

          European Listeners
          Due to a technical issue all Internet radio devices in Europe may receive a ‘barker’ message that announces the upcoming switch off every few hours. The BBC have confirmed that the message in Europe will not distinguish between affected and non-affected devices, and should be ignored[...]

          I do not know if all Internet radio devices only refers to those manufactured by Roberts.

          If your system will be affected by the BBC's closure of its support for Shoutcast, then its manufacturer may issue a firmware update to resolve the problem. Can you check your system to see if a firmware update has already been issued and is ready to be installed? If not, you could email the manufacturer's helpdesk and ask them if they are going to issue an update.

          If, having done that, you still find that you are going to be unable to listen to BBC radio as accessed at present, then one option is to download the BBC Sounds app to your mobile phone. Then connect your phone to your hifi system either via Bluetooth or a 35mm cable. This is how I listen to the BBC, and all European radio music stations, and I have an old phone which I use solely for this purpose. It is very easy to do this and I have no technical ability whatsoever.

          Good luck.


          • Dermot
            Full Member
            • Aug 2013
            • 125

            Beresford beat me to it.


            • pastoralguy
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 7899

              Just completed the survey. I sometimes feel these surveys outstay their welcome…


              • Bryn
                • Mar 2007
                • 24688

                Originally posted by MickyD View Post
                I bought my hi-fi in France, but I'll see if I can find any advice from the manufacturer. Everything seems so complicated these days, or am I just getting old?!
                Looks like it's the Beeb that's getting old and having problems with modern technology, rather than you.


                • Sir Velo
                  Full Member
                  • Oct 2012
                  • 3295

                  Originally posted by pastoralguy View Post
                  Just completed the survey. I sometimes feel these surveys outstay their welcome…
                  That one certainly did! The rather painful attempts to elicit responses to "binge watching" without any acknowledgement that you might watch multiple episodes of a series for reasons other than you are addicted to soaps (for example, The Art of Garden on Sky Arts). The idea clearly didn't occur to the interns who compiled it that you might have been away and needing to clear space on the hard drive, rather than wanting to "catch up on the storyline" or "you identify with the characters" or "you want to have something to do" meh...


                  • french frank
                    • Feb 2007
                    • 30744

                    Originally posted by Sir Velo View Post
                    The rather painful attempts to elicit responses to "binge watching" without any acknowledgement that you might watch multiple episodes of a series for reasons other than you are addicted to soaps (for example, The Art of Garden on Sky Arts). The idea clearly didn't occur to the interns who compiled it that you might have been away and needing to clear space on the hard drive, rather than wanting to "catch up on the storyline" or "you identify with the characters" or "you want to have something to do" meh...
                    I was reminded of Glyn Daniel's 'making conversation' attempt to engage the notoriously difficult Paul Dirac over formal dinner at Clare College by asking whether he had been to the theatre lately. Reply: "Why do you want to know?" I'm afraid a large number of my answers were: Neutral, Prefer not to say, Never, Not interested. But they were genuine answers so I hope they were helpful.
                    It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                    • MickyD
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 4927

                      Thank you, folks, for all the helpful and encouraging info. I'll keep my fingers crossed that I can still receive the BBC...I feel more optimistic than yesterday !


                      • MickyD
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 4927

                        Originally posted by Bryn View Post
                        Looks like it's the Beeb that's getting old and having problems with modern technology, rather than you.
                        Yes, indeed!


                        • Poppydhb
                          Full Member
                          • Mar 2022
                          • 12

                          As of today I can't get the internet link on my Yamaha WXAD10; I've loaded Firefox on my iMac, just to run BBC Sounds, and that's going to the Yamaha unit by Airplay, so I'm back where I started, sort of. Been running for about 5-6 hours without it stopping. Could be worse.


                          • Pulcinella
                            • Feb 2014
                            • 11331

                            No response (the equivalent of the wheel of death, just saying 'Connecting') when choosing R3 from the Last listened station list on my Roberts Stream202 just now either.
                            I'm tempted to say it's their loss not mine.
                            Other internet stations are available and are listened to.


                            • Retune
                              Full Member
                              • Feb 2022
                              • 332

                              Just noticed that the 128kbps streams that my phone app has been using for a while are dead, though the HD and low bitrate streams are still working. This app uses an open source database ( ) that aggregates links to known streams, so I can always find another one as long as the BBC continues to provide accessible streams, independent of the annoying BBC Sounds app. I blame both the BBC and the manufacturer for problems with dedicated internet radios. The BBC for killing off functional streams that some devices rely on, just because the technology is 'old' or doesn't allow them to slurp up enough data on their listeners. The manufacturers for assuming that everything is set in stone and they'll never need to provide their customers with updates as required.

