Originally posted by Dave2002
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All the same, my own experience of hifi tuning and upgrading has tended to be simply that some systems or components reveal subtle differences much more obviously than others; I think this is what leads to most of the scepticism really. The other day, I found that the LPS-1 power supply (see #26) had switched into standby mode, disabling the Regen, probably due to the mains surges that seem to have become more frequent with local home-working. (Next door is now an outpost of the Santander CallCentre Diaspora).
It wouldn't come back to life despite much off/on unplug/plug etc., so I isolated it and plugged it in elsewhere to wait and hope.
I thought it might need servicing or even replacing, tough call since the workshop is in California & there's no local distributor, and powering the Regen directly from the Meanwell, hoped I wouldn't hear too obvious a sonic difference.
But the loss of openness and clarity was unignorable. Happily the green light eventually came back on, the LPS was back in circuit, and beautiful music was restored....
There's a decades-old tradition of using separate power supplies to improve the sound of various components, its one of the more cost-effective things you can do. (So long as you can find somewhere to put the extra box...
