Adding bluetooth receiver capability to PC - anybody done it/got any tips?

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  • cmr_for3
    Full Member
    • Nov 2015
    • 286

    Adding bluetooth receiver capability to PC - anybody done it/got any tips?

    So I bought myself a Fiio M6 (an Android based music player) and installed BBC Sounds on it. All working well.

    It has limited internal memory and I always have a backlog of programmes to listen to so I have been using my phone to see what is due to expire and downloading the shows in threes to the player.

    If I am working I will use browser based Sounds which keeps track of progress between browser and mobile (and in the browser will point to next episode).

    Where the player is offline expect for downloading the browser based Sounds is not keeping track of progress like it would with my phone. Not a problem I thought as the player has Bluetooth and so does my PC I can just use Bluetooth from to transmit from the player to the PC...

    Wrong. It turns out my PC dongle is only a transmitter and not a receiver so even when I connect PC and player no sound comes out.

    I have bought this which claims to be a receiver.

    I am worried it might still be a dud.

    Does anybody have any thoughts/recommendations?
  • richardfinegold
    Full Member
    • Sep 2012
    • 7898

    Originally posted by cmr_for3 View Post
    So I bought myself a Fiio M6 (an Android based music player) and installed BBC Sounds on it. All working well.

    It has limited internal memory and I always have a backlog of programmes to listen to so I have been using my phone to see what is due to expire and downloading the shows in threes to the player.

    If I am working I will use browser based Sounds which keeps track of progress between browser and mobile (and in the browser will point to next episode).

    Where the player is offline expect for downloading the browser based Sounds is not keeping track of progress like it would with my phone. Not a problem I thought as the player has Bluetooth and so does my PC I can just use Bluetooth from to transmit from the player to the PC...

    Wrong. It turns out my PC dongle is only a transmitter and not a receiver so even when I connect PC and player no sound comes out.

    I have bought this which claims to be a receiver.

    I am worried it might still be a dud.

    Does anybody have any thoughts/recommendations?
    Why not buy a SD card with increased memory for your Android Player? You can get cards that have 2 TB storage.
    Otherwise Audioengine Blue Tooth receivers work well.


    • cmr_for3
      Full Member
      • Nov 2015
      • 286

      Originally posted by richardfinegold View Post
      Why not buy a SD card with increased memory for your Android Player? You can get cards that have 2 TB storage.
      Otherwise Audioengine Blue Tooth receivers work well.
      Good question! BBC Sounds does not allowed downloads to be saved to SD card. The adapter only partially worked. My issues are Windows 10 based. The adapter will pair and connect once but never connects again. I also can't remove the device to re pair it. Seems a common issue with Windows 10 - I am down to Powershell script!


      • richardfinegold
        Full Member
        • Sep 2012
        • 7898

        Originally posted by cmr_for3 View Post
        Good question! BBC Sounds does not allowed downloads to be saved to SD card. The adapter only partially worked. My issues are Windows 10 based. The adapter will pair and connect once but never connects again. I also can't remove the device to re pair it. Seems a common issue with Windows 10 - I am down to Powershell script!
        It’s a Bluetooth pairing issue, apparently. Although I enjoy blaming everything possible on Microsoft, I have the same issues with Apple and Android devices. It is frustrating and I am not sure that I know what the answer is. I’ve tried everything including sacrificing a Goat to appease the Gods of BT but I am never sure why something will stop pairing or suddenly start again.
        So with that in mind here are some suggestions...
        1) make sure the dongle isn’t paired with any other device, such as headphones or a cell phone. They apparently prefer Monogamy.
        2) try deleting the dongle from the list of pairable devices in the Android Menu, and then attempting to find it again as a new device
        3) re boot the Windows OS. I assume that you have already fiddled with the BT in the toolbox area.
        4) Turn off the portable player and restart
        5) make sure that the computer is showing the dongle as a pairable device. If there is a way to see what the dongle is seeing as pairable, make sure the computer is in the choices.

        If that doesn’t work, you can always try the Goat...


        • Cockney Sparrow
          Full Member
          • Jan 2014
          • 2303

          I know it can be riling to the person with the problem, but on other forums asking whether mundane but logical steps have been taken end up showing that failures turn out, in not a few cases, not to be too complicated. Not referring to this situation - checking there is mains power to a unit, checking interconnects are fully in place, switching interconnects to eliminate a faulty cable, new (for sure - e.g. remotes) batteries, rebooting, and the steps Richard has set out.

          Mrs CS' ipad seems reluctant to pair, quite often. I have to remind her that rebooting the iPad often works..........
          IT Crowd - Have You Tried Turning It Off And On Again? : (Takes me back to the days when we had to say goodbye to audio typists, take up the keyboard and reboot at the first sign of a problem).

          Recently Mrs CS has worked out that running the portable bluetooth speaker (fully charged but some years since purchase) still on charge from the mains supply improves the chance of pairing working.


          • cmr_for3
            Full Member
            • Nov 2015
            • 286

            Originally posted by richardfinegold View Post
            It’s a Bluetooth pairing issue, apparently. Although I enjoy blaming everything possible on Microsoft, I have the same issues with Apple and Android devices. It is frustrating and I am not sure that I know what the answer is. I’ve tried everything including sacrificing a Goat to appease the Gods of BT but I am never sure why something will stop pairing or suddenly start again.
            So with that in mind here are some suggestions...
            1) make sure the dongle isn’t paired with any other device, such as headphones or a cell phone. They apparently prefer Monogamy.
            2) try deleting the dongle from the list of pairable devices in the Android Menu, and then attempting to find it again as a new device
            3) re boot the Windows OS. I assume that you have already fiddled with the BT in the toolbox area.
            4) Turn off the portable player and restart
            5) make sure that the computer is showing the dongle as a pairable device. If there is a way to see what the dongle is seeing as pairable, make sure the computer is in the choices.

            If that doesn’t work, you can always try the Goat...
            Many thanks. I had not overly considered the Android end of things to be honest. I had more concentrated on the dongle/Windows end. This thread sums up my issue perfectly but even the Powershell fix does not seem to work. Uninstalling and reinstalling the device does seem to work but only for the initial occasion and then the circle of doom begins again.

            I have discovered as I suspected that if I keep the Wifi turned on on the player then my progress is synced to desktop browser, and since this was the issue that sent me down the dongle root in the first place I am happy with that stop gap.


            • cmr_for3
              Full Member
              • Nov 2015
              • 286

              Originally posted by Cockney Sparrow View Post
              I know it can be riling to the person with the problem, but on other forums asking whether mundane but logical steps have been taken end up showing that failures turn out, in not a few cases, not to be too complicated. Not referring to this situation - checking there is mains power to a unit, checking interconnects are fully in place, switching interconnects to eliminate a faulty cable, new (for sure - e.g. remotes) batteries, rebooting, and the steps Richard has set out.

              Mrs CS' ipad seems reluctant to pair, quite often. I have to remind her that rebooting the iPad often works..........
              IT Crowd - Have You Tried Turning It Off And On Again? : (Takes me back to the days when we had to say goodbye to audio typists, take up the keyboard and reboot at the first sign of a problem).

              Recently Mrs CS has worked out that running the portable bluetooth speaker (fully charged but some years since purchase) still on charge from the mains supply improves the chance of pairing working.
              You are indeed right to always ask such basic questions! I do nor have the most ordered or logical of minds! In the end the BT was too much hassle so as explained about I am keeping Wifi turned on on the Fiio (excellent little play by the way). I found myself getting so involved without it I was missing out on music listening time - never good! It also confirms I am a R3 addict, somewhat with the help I feel, of this parish!

