Dear Helpdesk
My Android phone was fully functional yesterday. Turned off overnight. Today when I powered it up it there was I was able to enter the PIN to start it. I was however unable to enter any alphanumeric data as although the "cursor bar" was in the text window, no touch keypad popped up. This was the same across the internet, all apps I tried and SMS. I was however able to use the telephone number pad when making a call. I tried several restarts, but to no avail. Has this happened to anyone else? Any ideas what I might try to retrieve the keypad?
My Android phone was fully functional yesterday. Turned off overnight. Today when I powered it up it there was I was able to enter the PIN to start it. I was however unable to enter any alphanumeric data as although the "cursor bar" was in the text window, no touch keypad popped up. This was the same across the internet, all apps I tried and SMS. I was however able to use the telephone number pad when making a call. I tried several restarts, but to no avail. Has this happened to anyone else? Any ideas what I might try to retrieve the keypad?