Making email manageable

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  • Dave2002
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 18109

    Making email manageable

    I have been using email for many years, not quite since the dawn of time, but almost. In days gone by, when email flows were relatively minute, I and my friends used it like instant messanger, and might send messages such as "Is it time for a tea break?" "Meet you in the hall at 12.30".

    Nowadays email is becoming more and more unmanageable. The rise of laptops and mobile computing hasn't helped at all.
    Many people probably use "free" wifi in public locations, which often comes with a "requirement" to provide an email address. This is then likely to result in bombardment of one's email inbox with advertising and other junk, and nowadays such items may be much larger than messages of yesteryear.

    Even if one actually wants occasional emails from a company or organisation, some now send out daily updates, with a lot of detail, and material one is hardly going to read or have time to read. Where an organisation is selling goods (e.g. clothes), some send messages with lots of pictures, which take up considerable space. Some of the messages will largely reside on remote servers, but many still have a storage impact on the client machine. This may be small perhaps a few Kbytes, but with thousands coming in quickly even this can cause problems in a fairly short time.

    There is also, perhaps, a trend towards people using laptops over desktop machines, even though desktops are often better to work with, for many reasons. Laptops, until fairly recently, usually have less memory and backing storage than desktops, and can become difficult to manage if the available memory is cluttered up with files and other unwanted material. Unfortunately, the continual bombardment with email does not help.

    I am embarking on a more rigorous approach to culling email, which it is fairly clear reduces the effectiveness of my own laptops, but it is now getting harder to manage than ever before. Like the Hydra with its many heads, often deleting one or more emails allows many new (but equally unwanted) emails to arrive. There are ways of deleting large numbers of emails quickly, but they are not always effective or convenient. Also, some deleted emails have a habit of re-appearing, depending on how the links to the mail servers are set up.

    Maybe nobody else here experiences this problem - if so they are very lucky.
  • Pulcinella
    • Feb 2014
    • 11384

    I've had a bit of a clear-out this very morning, moving some work files and choir committee business off the Cloud (where it would also feature on my iPad and phone) into folders just on my (main) Mac. If I find I need the latest set of committee minutes for a meeting, for example, then I can move the appropriate message back to the Cloud for the duration (I assume!). We'll see how it goes.
    Not sure it's created more space on my phone though!!


    • MrGongGong
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 18357

      My main strategy is to have several email addresses
      and use different ones for different things
      So I have one that I never use for buying anything and it's almost spam free


      • Frances_iom
        Full Member
        • Mar 2007
        • 2434

        I'm on very few mailing lists - most are sensible and provide text only + related to the matter in hand - the Royal Opera House however is totally different it believes it has the right to spam you with HTML based text (in large quantity) and with many images if I were daft enough to allow HTML mail (I've seen spammers attempt to use the mailto option with HTML documents to check if an email is opened - likewise loading images can be simple check on was it viewed and thus the email address is good to spam)


        • Anastasius
          Full Member
          • Mar 2015
          • 1860

          Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post

          Maybe nobody else here experiences this problem - if so they are very lucky.
          Sign up to a decent ISP with your own domain and you'll not get any spam. I can't remember the last time I received any spam TBH. And my email address has been around for a VERY longtime. As far as getting info-spam from companies I've ordered from, I thought that now with GDPR that this wasn't supposed to happen ? Certainly when signing up I'll watch out for any invites to either sign-up or stop signing-up if you follow me. And if I miss one then it's usually very easy to unsubscribe. Unless t's a company like Kincaid who's unsubscribe system is non-existent and they ignore emails....well, that's what the Rules in Apple Mail are for ! Instant delete.

          I have a Hotmail email account..riddled with spam. I have a Gmail account and that is pretty clear of spam.
          Fewer Smart things. More smart people.


          • Old Grumpy
            Full Member
            • Jan 2011
            • 3695

            Originally posted by Frances_iom View Post
            I'm on very few mailing lists - most are sensible and provide text only + related to the matter in hand - the Royal Opera House however is totally different it believes it has the right to spam you with HTML based text (in large quantity) and with many images if I were daft enough to allow HTML mail (I've seen spammers attempt to use the mailto option with HTML documents to check if an email is opened - likewise loading images can be simple check on was it viewed and thus the email address is good to spam)
            Well it is opera, darling!


            • Frances_iom
              Full Member
              • Mar 2007
              • 2434

              Originally posted by Old Grumpy View Post
              Well it is opera, darling!
              true (tho there are a few ballets included) but all I thought I'd signed up for was a reminder of date, any cast changes + a rather infrequent friends' newsletter - the 1st two need no more than a line or two of text, instead of which there is large amount of text mostly adverts for the restaurant of which, being a friend + thus a frequent attendee I'm well aware of and whose smell of fish I have to endure prior to most performances.

